MARRIAGE: The Unnecessary Pressure & Distractions Confronting Music Star Frank Edwards.

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Popular and highly successful Nigerian gospel musician, songwriter and instrumentalist, Frank Edwards has increasing featured in different discussions and conversations about marriage, most especially those constantly pushing the young man into Marriage. Though they might as well have good intentions with that agenda, but are the good intentions enough to overlook the many factors involved in this adventure.

I have read a couple of articles, especially on social media platforms, were many of them are evidently out to pressure the young man into marriage, especially on the grounds that Frank is already successful, has amassed a reasonable amount of wealth, properties, etc, that there’s nothing delaying him from taking a wife at this stage in his life. Some even went as far as giving him deadlines, making choices of some of the women he should choose from, since he cannot make a choice on his own till now.

I laughed a lot at some of the things I have read online regards this very matter. First of all, Frank Edwards is just 34 years old, and I do not see were this young man has reached that age bracket that puts him in the position of being overdue for marriage. Do you know that most young men, especially in this part of the world, that at the age of 34 are still struggling to find their way in life. For the fact that Frank Edwards made it early in life doesn’t mean that he must equally marry early in life as well, especially considering the level of pressure he’s faced with in recent times. More like a do or die affair!

Many people fail to understand that marriage comes with a lot of responsibilities, not necessary about money; time for your family, time for other things, such that you may hardly have that time and resources for your career/business. You might be thinking that he has amassed so much wealth as such, he doesn’t need to work much like when he was beginning the journey of his career. I can only laugh at such mentality; sorry to burst your bubble, reaching the top is not as difficult as remaining at the top. So, it is even now that the real task has set in, as such, he need time, space, resources, etc, to ensure that the empire and brand he has suffered and built over the years is sustained, and even taken to a far greater height.

In other words, he need to have all these things figured out properly and set up a structure that will achieve all that goals for him, and equally that family you guys are pushing him into is also captured here as well. Because most of you shouting “Frank go and marry, go and marry, all your mates have married, you have the money”, this and that, are same people that will still come back to this social media tomorrow to drag him if things eventually go south, both in his career and marriage. Nobody will be there to either take blames on his behalf as such a time, or support him with resources and otherwise, as to help him to bounce back.

Therefore, people should allow this young man to have a breathe of fresh air, stop choking his life with the issue of marriage. Besides he’s just thirty four (34) years of age, which is still a good time for him to choose to continue planning for whatever adventure he considers necessary for his life; business or marriage.

On the other hand, you cannot be more Catholic than the Pope; Frank’s marriage or family cannot be more important to you than himself. Even, there was a video I watched, that Chioma Jesus was equally urging him to go marry, and some other things she said as well. This is how you people will continue putting him into unnecessary pressure till he goes into what he isn’t ready for, and same you people will come here to talk all sorts of trash and make unsavoury remarks about him.

You must have come across one funny or interesting story or tales about marriage and experiences of different people. While some others might have bitter tales and experiences about marriage, many others may have good stories to talk about the holy union called marriage. But in the face of it all, marriage is truly a beautiful thing and worthy achievement for those who are ready, and who equally found their true missing rib.

Conclusively, Frank Edwards should be allowed to find his true missing rib, he should be allowed to work according to the marriage timetable he already has fixed for himself. He’s not a dumb who do not know his right from his left, as such, he doesn’t need all these distractions and unnecessary pressure to know that he’s ready for marriage.

(photo credit: Google)

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