Marriage Destroyed By DNA Brouhaha Just Three Weeks After Couple Wedded!

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Everyday we continue to be greeted with different stories of what the recently popularized DNA test quest has continued to impact on many marriages.

Well, just recently another DNA brouhaha showed up its ugly face in a the home of a newly wedded couple in Lagos, and now the marriage has crashed, just about three weeks after the couple had their much anticipated wedding ceremony.

How It All Started…

Before their wedding, the couple already had a baby child together, named Christabel, and was so loved by the parents. She was showered with so much love and affection by her parents, but little did the three year old Christabel know that all that will be met with such disastrous ending so fast.

Well, just after her parents wedding, her mother’s ex boyfriend, Femi, came with his headache, claiming ownership to the child. According to Femi, when her ex girlfriend, Joy, who is now married to Mr. Johnson, got pregnant, they were still dating. She tried putting the pregnancy on him Femi, but she did not trust Joy enough to believe the pregnancy was his own.

This was because she flirts, and could have gotten impregnated by one of her secret lovers. Of which Mr. Johnson was alleged to be one of her numerous secret lovers then. According to the story, as Joy couldn’t have Femi accept the pregnancy and with her desperation to get marry using the pregnancy tricks, she pushed it to Mr. Johnson.

The gentleman accepted the pregnancy knowing that he has been sleeping with her all these while. Though he was not financially prepared for marriage, he accepted the pregnancy and she started living with him. Nine months later, they gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Christabel, and that defined a new stage in their relationship.

Months later, Johnson went and paid her bride price, while they planned for their traditional Marriage and white. Well, luck smiled on Johnson and he started making money from his auto mechanic work, as such, they started saving money for their remaining Marriage rites.

Meanwhile, all these period no one showed up to claim Christabel and Johnson never for one day thought that the child wasn’t his true blood, though Christabel was just a carbon copy of her pretty mother.

About three years later, the couple had done with their traditional marriage and white wedding, living happily. Then came the monster of destruction. It all started like a joke, involving the police as Femi used one of his friend who is a senior police officer to try to get Christabel. It ended up that they will be a DNA test.

The DNA test was conducted on little and innocent Christabel. Result came out, and none of the two men were actually the father of Christabel. That opened up another drama in the already lingering drama.

At this point, Mr. Johnson was almost dying silently as he felt his life is shattered. Meanwhile Joy insisted there was a mix up somewhere and demanded for another DNA test to be conducted. After much hesitation, a second DNA test was carried out and the result came out the same.

At this point, it dawned on Joy that it was the end of the road for her. And at the long run, she opened up that it was her former landlord who got her pregnant as he was sleeping with her. Both Femi and Mr. Johnson refused to believe her, and afterwards they involved the said landlord.

Another DNA test was conducted and result came out that little Christabel was the daughter of Joy’s former landlord. Johnson as we speak has ended his marriage with her, and Femi is nowhere to be found as he has disappeared.

Joy ran away with Christabel of which the police are still on the look out for her because her former landlord is already claiming ownership of the little Christabel who is nowhere to be found along her mother.

(Note, pictures used are merely for illustration purpose and doesn’t represent event in this work)

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