Marriage Crisis: Lessons Other Men Must Learn From The Predicaments Of Israel DMW With His Ex Wife, Sheila!

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The story of the fallout between Davido’s Personal Logistics Assistant, Israel DMW and his estranged wife, Sheila Courage shouldn’t be any new tales to the ears of most of us. We have equally seen how the young man has been handling the unfortunate situation, especially with his recent rants on social media, all the name calling targeted against Sheila and her family.

Since the crash of their marriage, the young man has portrayed himself as the one who is the most hurt and heartbroken between the two them. It is just left for him to share video of himself, crying and weeping uncontrollably, before some of us can actually understand what he’s actually going through as a result.

Unfortunately for him, he has ended up as the poison that killed their marriage, just because of the way he’s been handling the situation. He has been subjected to a lot of trolling, Backlashing and criticism just because of how he consistently lamented about his failed marriage. I have read a lot of posts about the this issue, and 90% of them are against Israel.

Men have to understand that the society will hardly stand up for them once a woman is involved. He will most likely be seen as the devil in town. Yes, look at how the young man is being battered simply because he has cried out. Let it be that it is Sheila who is in his position, the society will rally behind her, and you will hear all sorts of nasty words against the man, like “all men are the same”, “men are scum”, “what do men really want”, and BLA BLA BLA…

He’s a man who is visibly heartbroken and drowning in pains and disappointment, and still being dragged without mercy. Yes, he might have made mistakes in the way he went about the matter, but no one is looking at his pains, hurting and heartbreak anymore. All you hear is, Israel is not mature, he talks too much, Sheila escaped a bullet, thank God she walked out of the marriage, I can’t marry a man who don’t have sense, that’s how Edo/Benin men behaves, and lots more other nasty things.

If truly all these people claim to have sense which I doubt if truly has it, they would have easily seen in Israel, a man who truly loves his wife, more than she loves him. A man who is fighting so hard to stay alive coz he’s going through hell emotionally and mentally. A man who want to have a successful marriage, who doesn’t want to lose the woman he picked as his lifetime partner. A frustrated man, who is practically confused and desperately in search solace for his broken heart and soul.

But no, they want him crucified, especially the female gender, they have said a lot of nasty things about the young man, such that if he’s able to read most of these things, there’s no way he wouldn’t be plunged into instant or worse state of depression. But no one really cares about all that, it is to talk him down and crucify him, that’s all most of them want.

Let he or she without a sin be the first to cast a stone!

To every man out there, before you fall in love, be it for relationship or marriage sake, be sure to have built a mindset that is capable of handling any level of shock and heartbreak. I have told you, because the society will laugh at you and make a mockery of you once you come out tomorrow crying or ranting as a result of heartbreak.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t fall in love, no, but while falling that you fall, be prepared mentally and emotionally, for the worse case scenario tomorrow. The society would have given you a shoulder to lean on, so be guilded properly.

Note: This post is not in any way supporting the manner of attacks Israel unleashed on his ex wife and her family. He got it wrong in some ways, but the attack on his, mostly from the opposite gender is extremely harsh and severe. They all over looked his own pains and broken heart, which is completely unfair!

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