Many Nigerian Celebrities Are Close to Some Billionaires But Have Failed To Learn The Lifestyle of These Billionaires.

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It is often said that, show me your friend and I will tell you who you are, but unfortunately that’s not the case with lots of Nigerian celebrities who are friends with some of the billionaires in the country. Many of them are just close to these wealthy people just for the sake of showing off, so they too could be regarded as well connected, big boys in town, and all that frivolities.

And it is for this singular reason that many of them never move past their current financial status or ratings, because they are not interested in learning some of the important lifestyles of these billionaires, to be like them or at least practically aspire to be like them. Billionaires are known for constantly looking out for business opportunities, to invest their money and assume another financial status in the nearest future, but that mindset is very far from most of these celebrities who are close to them. They just want to be known as friend of Dangote, Mike Adenuga, Emeka Offor, Ifeanyi Uba, Obi Cubana, Femi Otedola, Arthur Eze, etc.

There’s hardly any billionaire anywhere who spends more money on luxuries than how much they invest in their businesses and business interest. But these celebrities spend more on luxuries like flashy cars, clubbing, designer wears, etc, than they ever put into business investments. Little wonder when the career of most of these celebrities begin to dwindle or depreciate, you see them struggling financially. It is not because they were not earnings well at their prime, no, it is because they are more interested in wasteful spendings than investment spendings like their billionaire friends. They can spend millions just in a night of clubbing or partying but not into business interest.

Most of these celebrities will have more than five (5) luxury cars in their garage, but no single reasonable business investments anywhere, even if it’s just to buy shares in companies and leaving it there. They live expensive lifestyles that adds no financially gains to their coffers, rather a lifestyle that constantly takes from their coffers. And with such a kind of lifestyle how do you expect to grow bigger financially? It is not possible at all!

While you are close to these billionaires and business moguls, learn their lifestyles on how they manage to continually be rich year after year. Or does it mean such doesn’t ever occur to these set of people or what? It is obvious that there’s this spirit of show off and otherwise that possesses most of these celebrities, such that they do not ever think of investments. All they want is to buy the latest cars, watches, clothes, visit the most expensive clubs and flaunt them on social media platforms and that’s the end.

Funny enough, these same people admire these wealthy people the most, and always want to hang around them, but not interested in being like them, financially. They just prefer the peanuts they get from the billionaires and following them around, and that completes their dream.

For clarity purpose, I have not said that rich people do not spent on luxuries, that’s not possible, I only said they can never spend on luxuries more than they spend on business investments, and that’s the typical difference between their lifestyles and most of these our celebrities.

(Photo credit: Google)

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