Many Exposes Their Crude Mentality As Rudeboy Re-United With His Ex Wife & Kids After Their Bitter Divorce

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It is no longer news that Paul Okoye A.K.A Rudeboy of the Psquare music group reunited with his estranged wife, Anita Okoye and their kids, for the first time since their bitter divorce. Recall that after about seven years of being married together, Paul Okoye and Anita Okoye separated in sometime in 2021, and around middle of 2022, an Abuja Federal High Court finally dissolved their marriage, with Anita Okoye being in custody of their kids.

Meanwhile, it happened that both Paul and Peter Okoye had a concert in Detroit, United States of America, and they decided to gift their fans some thing special and unexpected before the official kickoff of their show, by bringing Paul Okoye’s family (his estranged wife, Anita Okoye and their kids) both to their rehearsal ground and on the stage during the official performance.

Meanwhile, that singular gesture has continued to trigger mixed reactions amongst many people, with majority of them insinuating that they have reconciled and are now back together. Well, this very matter has exposed the quality of contents in many heads and the sort of mentality they carry about. Truth remains that I will be one of the happiest person if the duo are actually back together as husband and wife. But in as much as we can’t really lay hands on the reality of the matter, people should equally work on their mentality and how they reason/think as well.

Yes, because I’m yet to understand who taught these people that divorced couples are forbidden from meeting or being together? Does divorce means that couples are in a war front with each other? There’s no such thing my people, divorced couples find time to be together, especially with their kids, spending good times together, after which both returns to their respective base. For instance, did you see when Rudeboy brought his kids on stage during their performance, didn’t you noticed that his ex wife, Anita Okoye, was not on stage with them. Equally, that doesn’t mean that she’s not happy about the outing, in fact in some of the video clips from the concert you can see her happily singing and dancing during the show.

She even took to her Instagram account to express how happy she is for the fact that her kids re-united with their father for the first time. She also acknowledged the fact that the memories from that event will be cherished forever, as such, tells you that divorce doesn’t mean that the divorced couples have drawn the battle line between themselves, unlike what many people are expecting to see or witness.

Even if you have made up your mind up your mind that your divorce is going to stand the test of time, you should as well try as much as you can to maintain a good relationship between you, your ex and your kids. Find time as often as possible to be with you kinds, take them out, etc, these will play significant roles in the lives of this kids. If you make your divorce a war-war affair against your ex, especially when your kids were already used to growing under the umbrella of their father and mother, then you are not aware of what level of damages you are subjecting their lives to.

Emulating the divorce lifestyle of Rudeboy and his ex wife, Anita, will inevitably cushion the effects the divorce would have had on those children. In fact, these kids might even not be aware that their dad and mom are separated from each other, yes, because to them, they might have the mindset that their dad or mom is out on business trips, since they meet with their parents often.

Funny enough, I read a lot of comments on this very matter, were I came across many of these comments attacking Anita, calling her all sorts of unprintable names, on the ground that she hurriedly divorced the singer, whereas she’s still much in love with him, and can’t possibly live without him, hence the reason she came around with the kids, as a ploy to get the attention of Rudeboy, for a potential reconciliation. You can imagine that sort of pathetic mentality?

These people should be reasonable at least for once, and only that will they be able to understand what just played, and then they will understand that the duo deserve some applause for the exhibition of this level of maturity and selflessness, just to ensure that their kids are happy, coupled with peace of mind for them.

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