Man Kills His 6Year-Old Daughter in Delta State After Smashing Her Head On The Wall Severally, Ran Away!

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Can’t possibly come up with any reason whatsoever, that made this innocent and gentle looking man to commit such an evil act, that he had to smash the deceased head on the wall severally…

The type of evil things we hear or experience in this our part of the world on the daily is often beyond what anyone could perfectly explain or decipher.

It has become a regular daily occurrence for we to be greeted with one evil action or the other, such that it no longer shocks some people.

Identified as one Mr. Stanley Ovemureye, he is alleged to have recently anchored the killing of his 6Year-Old daughter, Miss Abigail. After committing the crime, he reportedly flee, and he’s currently being hunted by the security agents.

“In Agbarho Delta State, a man Stanley Ovemureye gruesomely killed 6 years old child Abigail, his own daughter for yet to be revealed reasons…

Her head was smashed several times on the wall,” the story reads as shared by popular activist Harrison Gwamnishu via his verified Facebook page.

With the rate of evil going on in the world of today, it is extremely scary when you think about what tomorrow holds for our society, and the world at large. It is even more worrisome when you are actually telling yourself the truth; that things are obviously getting worse with each passing day.

May God almighty have mercy on the world!!!

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