MALTA: Here’s a Good News For Those Seeking To Relocate And Work Abroad!

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While we have continued to witness mass exodus of Nigerians leaving the country for greener pastures abroad, more job openings have continued to pop up as well in these foreign countries.

The latest on the radar is coming from Malta, with the country reportedly facing shortage of workers in about twenty (20) fields of work, hence the country is looking to attract highly skilled workers from foreign countries.

And following this, Identitia, an agency under Maltese government has embarked on the mission to recruit skilled workers to fill the gap under the Specialist Employee Initiative (SEI). The opportunity is opened to every eligible foreign citizen from foreign countries, once you have what it takes.

These shortages are being experienced in areas like healthcare, manufacturing, construction, food service, hospitality, transportation sector, business and others. 

And in a broader sense, these fields are sub broken into the following fields as identified by EURES; 1) Waiters, 2) Chefs, 3) Security men (Guards), 4) Bartenders, 5) Drivers (taxi, car, van, others), 6) Cleaners/Helpers, 7) Labourers in the manufacturing sectors and others, 8) Labourers for construction sector, 9) Errands, messengers, package deliverers and others.

Then we have 10) Care givers (children mostly), 11) Sales workers for shops/malls, supermarkets, etc, 12) Healthcare assistant workers, 13) clerks (book keeping and accounting), 14) clerks working at contact information centres, 15) Bookmakers, croupiers, related gaming workers, others.

And finally 16) Secretaries working in Executive and administrative capacity, 17) General Office Clerks, 18) Office Supervisors, 19) Managing Directors (MD) and Chief Executives, 20) managers for businesses in administrative capacity.


To be eligible to apply, for foreigners outside European countries, you must have signed an existing contract with a registered company based in Malta. 

Also, interested individuals from non European countries need to have a visa in order to make the trip. But the good news is that due to these shortages of skilled workers, their embassies are making easy for qualified persons to easily obtain their Visa, under various work permits: the single permit, key employment initiative, and EU Blue Card. 

Meanwhile, the Specialist Employee Initiative (SEI) has made available an alternative route for highly skilled individuals from developing countries, lacking the required eligibility for the Key Employee Initiative but on the other hand, possesses the necessary academic/technical skills in demand.

Beside the Specialist Employee Initiative (SEI), the country’s Employer Association (MEA) has reiterated the importance of skilled and others from abroad, who are very crucial in Malta’s logistics industry.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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