‘Love Is What You Make It To Be’ — South African Man Proudly Showcases His Three Beautiful Wives

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Just like they say, another man’s food is another’s man’s poison and vice versa, and that’s exactly what these young women have demonstrated as they go on a date with their husband.

Yes, in a world were a lot of women have actually kicked against the ideology of polygamy, they have actually embraced it with both hands wide opened.

Their husband who is a South African took them out on a date, and was happy to showcase them to the world, and equally showing how peaceful they are all living their lives together.

He said that love is actually what you chose to make it look like, and not about what other people says it is. He also advised others not to allow people dictate to them what their love life should be.

He wrote; “my polygamy journey. I am the happiest when I am surrounded by my 3 women

Love is what you make is to be. Never let anyone tell you how your love life should be when you know exactly what you want“.

Well, one thing about this issue of polygamy is that both parties should know about it, and not the situation were some men forces it down the throats of their wives.

We have seen lots of such cases, typically is the case of popular Nollywood actor, Yul Edochie and his first wife, May Yul Edochie.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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