Lady Reveals How She Forgot Tampon Inside Her Vagina For Weeks, Made Her Produce Offensive Smells.

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This young lady identified simply as Queen Primis has left us shocked with one of the most weird experiences any woman could ever have; She had forgotten a tampon inside of her vagina for about a month.

According to her, how she forgot the tampon inside remains a puzzle to her, for that whole month. She was able to find out following the unending odours she produces, in spite the number of times she baths in a day.

As the offensive odour which she personally tagged “horrible smell”, failed to stop, she became worried and had to think out a solution. Then she came up with the idea of a Douche.

“I literally just experienced this, I was smelling a horrible smell in that area, despite taking two showers a day to remove it for a whole month. I kept discharging a brown red color, and I was discharging way more than usual,” part of her revelation stares.

Then finally, she was able to locate the source of the odour; the tampon she forgot inside her vagina. She practically felt totally different after removing the stuff but kept wondering how she was able to have left such a stuff right there fir this long.


A tampon is a menstrual product designed to absorb blood and other vagina discharges and secretions simply by inserting it (the tampon) into the vagina during menstruation.

While women may have divided choices on which to use, pads or tampons, but tampons are mostly used by sports women because of the fact that it is hidden inside the body. It’s a big advantage to pads, as it can’t be felt because of the location (Inside the body). It is equally used a lot by women who go swimming as well.

One bad side to using tampons is that it can increase the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). This is so because when tampons are left for a long period inside vagina, just like in the case of Queen Primis, it encourages the growth of bacteria.

Tampons on the other can choose to stick to the vagina walls, mostly when the blood flow during menstruation is light, resulting in abrasion when the tampons are removed.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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