Lady Became Youngest To Receive Doctorate Degree From Bradford University Years After Teacher Gave Up On Her!

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Years ago, a certain young lady identified as Varaidzo Felistus Kativhu otherwise known as Dr. Vee K was unapologetically told by her teacher that she wasn’t good enough to attend the prestigious Oxford university.

This was as the teacher doesn’t see her intelligent enough to attend such prestigious institution.

“Don’t bother applying, you are not good enough,” her teacher told her. But she refused to settle for less, but kept her dream alive.

She went on to attend Oxford university for her undergraduate studies, and Harvard university for her post graduate studies. Did it end there? No! Few days ago, she became the youngest person ever to be awarded a honorary doctorate degree by Bradford university.

“It’s official, I’m a doctorrrr! Yesterday I made history & became the youngest person to ever receive an honorary doctorate degree from the university of Bradford,” she wrote.

In one of her celebrations post, she urged teachers, guardians, etc, to be mindful of what they say to young people, which could end up killing their life’s dreams and aspirations. She reminded them that the fact that it hasn’t been done does not mean it won’t be done.

“This is just a little friendly reminder to teachers, guardians, and people in general who play a role in children’s lives, just because it hasn’t been done, doesn’t mean it can’t be done.

And let’s make sure our students know that.

Let’s stop putting our students in boxes and marking what they can do based on our own fears or the unknown,” she wrote in one of her posts while celebrating her great achievement.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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