Junior Pope: How Can You Pay a PA 10k After 15 Days Of Work?- Veteran Actor Ernest Obi Blast Nollywood Producers.

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How can you as a producer, after about ten days of working on your set, you pay a PA a peanut, about 10 thousand Naira, Ernest Obi fumes over how things are going in the industry…

Veteran Nollywood actor, movie director and producer, Ernest Obi has joined the several voices calling for a revolutionary change in Nollywood, in the aftermath of Junior Pope’s death.

Ernest Obi was part of the members of the Guild that held a candlelight procession in Lagos few days ago, in honour of their deceased members who were involving in a boat accident in River Niger on April 10, 2024, which killed Junior Pope and others.

He lamented the state of affairs in the industry, especially the payment and treatment of crew workers. He recalled how recently veteran actor, Emma Ayalogu, almost died on set as a producer brought an artist who do not know how to drive well and has no Driver’s License. After the incident Emma Ayalogu was rushed to the hospital, and surprisingly, the Producer did nothing about it.

Further, he tackled Nollywood producers who do not have conscience, as such, after a Production Assistant, PA, must have worked on their set for about ten days or more, he’s given about 10,000 Naira. This includes them carrying big generators always and lots of other dirty jobs on the movie set, and are paid almost nothing.

He urged crew workers to stop acting as slaves, to stand up for their right. He also urged them to always report matters to their Guild Presidents for immediate action, except their Guild is not functional and in comatose.

His emphasis was more on the treatment meted out to crew members and actors by Nollywood producers, and the fact that these people, especially the crew members keep tolerating such maltreatment with open arm, hence the reason it has persistent over the years.

“Take a stand, say no sir…call your guild president, sir they want me to enter a forest and there’s a snake there,” he continued.

“How much are PAs paid. How can you employ somebody for 10 days, 15 days, even if it’s for 7 days, lifting generators, tying cables under the rain…you give him 10 thousand Naira after the job. It’s not just a sin but it’s a sin against God. You are mounting heaps of unpayable debts on yourself,” he said.

He equally stated that everyone in the industry is aware of all these, but keep hoping it gets better and for years it is not getting better. He wondered how many times have the crew members ever gone a strike. Ernest who was visibly bittered continued lamenting the need for people to take a firm stand when it comes to their right and fair treatment.

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