If You Need Babies, Go get One- Kogi Female Singer Blasts Those Mocking Her For Not Being Married At Her Age.

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Kogi state born female singer and socialite, Sharon Sonia is evidently not happy with the increasing number of those disturbing her life over marriage. The visibly angry singer took to her official Facebook page to tackle those trolling her for not being married at her age.

The upcoming singer recalled how her mum gave birth to her first child at the age of 18, while same first child of her mum had her first child at the age of 34-35 due to certain challenges. In other words, that people have their different timing in life.

In an earlier post, she recalled how a certain person told her that she’s getting old based on how she’s not married yet. She did not see it as indult though, as old age is a sign of blessing, recounting all the things that has happened to some of the persons that were born at the same period with herself.

She further made it clear that she’s not regretting anything in her life at the moment, as God has continued to bless her and she’s happy with the pace of her life. Then also stated that if God truly want to add other blessings to her life, that she will gladly accept it, but that she’s not into any sort of competition with anyone for any reason.

But it is so bad how people, especially the female have continued to face societal pressure over the issue of marriage, a reason most women have either lost their dreams or lives all for the sake they want to please the society and be called a “married woman”. Yes, because most of these women do not have the time to chase their dreams and aspirations in life, only to be pushed into marriage that ends up killing their life’s endeavours, dreams, potentials and God given talents.

Unfortunately, same society have turned back to criticize same women for not bringing anything to the table of marriage. You can imagine that! What time do most of these women have to build their self and career, as to stand well to bring something meaningful to the so called table? Once she is married, she pushed to the background, to take of the family, years down th line she’s still in the task of building the family, not really enough time to build herself as to be able to bring something to the table.

Well, people should allow women who are not ready for marriage to have a breathing space, the world doesn’t revolve around marriage, and neither is marriage an ultimate achievement in life. Women chasing their dreams should be allowed to do so, and not being distracted by all these side talks. It is the same society that will come for her head if she rushes into marriage without being prepared and ready, and the marriage fails along the line. Let her breathe for Christ sake!

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