Junior Pope: How Very Dark BlackMan Betrayed The Late Actor & Using It To Chase Clout!

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How Very Dark BlackMan betrayed Junior Pope while he was alive…

Few days ago, controversial Nigerian internet sensation and self acclaimed activist, Very Dark BlackMan, VDM, revealed a screenshot of a message sent to him by late Nollywood actor, Junior Pope Odonwodo.

In the message, the late actor made known his intention to speak with VDM urgently, on a very important matter. While VDM actually got the message, he then proceeded to discard it into the waste bin, after he had made a screenshot of it, only remembering the message afterwards, after the death of the actor.

(See the message from Junior Pope to VDM above)

Now, ask this young man, what’s the need for the screenshot and why bringing it up now? If it’s not for his habit of chasing clout and act of hypocrisy.

Your fellow man, a high profile person like that, cried to your DM, with a clear intention; that he want to speak with you one on him, and that it is urgent.

Then you had the mind to screenshot and ignored the message, and bringing it up at a time people are still in pains over his unfortunate death?

The truth is that, it is either VDM kept that screenshot for future use, most likely when the actor would have stepped on his toes, then he will bring it out, using it to drag and blackmail him, possibly forcing the actor to go silent or otherwise.

On the other hand, he might intend using it to start another drama the way he did with Mohbad’s death. What do I mean? To start fighting the late actor’s wife, demanding for a DNA to be conducted on his children.

We saw it played out in the case of Mohbad, how out of nowhere, he brought up the issue of DNA Test, which till date is yet to be resolved. A woman who just lost her partner in one of the most heartbreaking circumstances, was further subjected to more traumatizing experience, all masterminded by the same man, VDM.

Yes, if it is not for a sinister intention, just tell me what he stands to gain from putting out the message from Junior Pope, which he never attended to while the actor was alive. Who knows, if he had attended to the actor, he may have still been alive, we never can tell.

I tell you for free, if Junior Pope was to still be alive, and he eventually had issues with Very Dark BlackMan, I bet you he will pull out this screenshot and use it against the actor.

It’s just like, your neighbor coming to beg you for money while sick, you ignored him or her, only to come out when the person must have died, to shout that if you had known you would have given him/her the money for the treatment. You can imagine what the reactions from people will be.

That’s the problem with most people in this part of the world, with just a little fame, and maybe fortune as well, the person begin to misbehave, posturing his or her self as a demigod. If that message was from Davido, Tunde Ednut, Israel DMW, others who are his pals, he would have attended to the message the next minute.

You saw the flimsy excuse he gave for his action. Besides, how can you conclude without even hearing from the person, what he or she wants to say, if it’s not a glaring act of pride and hypocrisy.

Well, if others do not see anything wrong in his action, it’s unfortunate that I can’t be in the same school of thought with such kind of people.

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