How Over 60 Year-Old Cross Dresser Died Following An Infection That Affected His Kidney And Bladder.

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A certain Asian man precisely from Japan has reportedly died from kidney complications after he had put a stick of eyeliner up his backside.

The Cross Dresser who is said to be in his 60s was found lying unconscious in his room by his brother and immediately rushed to the hospital.

According to the report, there was a CT scan conducted on him which revealed a 3.5-inch long tube of eyeliner near his rectum, of which doctors who handled his case believed that he must have used it for sexual stimulation.

Sadly, he died two days after being taken to the hospital, as reports has it that he was too unstable to undergo surgery. Meanwhile, an autopsy conducted on him revealed that the eyeliner had penetrated his bladder and caused an egg-sized mass to form, prompting doctors to believe he had died of sepsis following the overreaction of his body to kidney infection.

According to the story, the case was already published by a medical journal, the deceased suffered intermittent bouts of abdominal pain for three years.

Two weeks before his death, he was said to have complained of anorexia and diarrhea to his brother. It is equally reported that it has been difficult to lay hands on his medical records owing to the fact that he rarely went in for checkups. 

Though he was still unconscious when he arrived at the hospital, he suffered a high heart rate and low blood pressure. He also had a 100 degree Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) fever,” according to LIB.

Doctors gave the patient antibiotics, as they believed there could have been an infection, and norepinephrine for his low blood pressure. His vital signs were too poor for him to undergo surgery,” the report added.

But in spite of repeated efforts to revive him, he still died two days later. And police found a vibrator hidden in a stocking in his room. His left fingernails were reportedly painted red at the time of the autopsy, giving the impression that he had inserted the eyeliner into his rectum for sexual stimulation and sexual pleasure.


The autopsy conducted on him equally revealed small wounds on the patient’s buttocks and an ulcer in his perineum. Also, the eyeliner is said to have penetrated his bladder and was found inserted in a 2.5 by 2.3 inch bladder stone, which its size is about the same size as an egg. 

It is the mass former by the eyeliner that is said to have caused the damage to the bladder, and further leading to an injury causing a rectovesical fistula. Therefore , resulting in the patient’s rectum, lower colon, and bladder to become stuck to each other. 

Also, the medical reports revealed that the deceased suffered infection to his left kidney, that equally spread to his spleen, suspected to be from the fistula that made it difficult for the deceased to urinate, hence forcing urine to accumulate in the bladder.

Same report also pointed to the fact that the infect may have been triggered by a bacteria in the eyeliner, which is believed to have lived and accumulated in the bladder for the period of three years that it has been there. And unfortunately resulting to the sepsis.

SEPSIS: This is a medical condition that occurs when the immune system overreacts to an infection and going on to attack healthy organs.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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