How On Earth Do You Think a Woman Who Betrayed a Relationship of Nearly a Decade Wouldn’t Do Worse To You?

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In the past few days, we have been regaled with takes of the sour ending of a once beautiful love story, one which was laid on a solid foundation of love, trust, sincerity and mutual respect. But it was such a heartbreaking and nasty ending for this once beautiful and enviable love tales.

Well, we are talking about that involving Imo State born female gospel singer, Amaka Gift and serial entrepreneur and businessman, Favour Ibex, whose relationship of nearly a decade (10years) came to a disastrous end, following the alleged decision of the former to move on with another man identified as Marxy, who was supposed to be their business partner.

Many people have openly blamed Favour Ibex, who previously doubled as Amaka’s behind the camera fiance, manager, promoter and financier. Some accused him of not being smart enough, including the fact that he revealed that all these years, he has maintained celibacy with her. Further, others accused him of not being serious with marrying her, else while be in a relationship with an adult woman all these years and yet failed to take any positive step towards marrying her, as such, a serious guy man came into the picture and now the rest is history.

But I can only laugh at such naive conclusion, because these group of people have allowed their emotions overshadow their senses of rational reasoning. Yes, you think this Favour Ibex would have been that stupid to have not married her all these years, while investing heavily on her, to make her a big and better brand, including allegedly sponsoring her in school?

No way, these persons don’t understand what a woman can actually do, because Favour Ibex from all the information we gathered in the course of our investigation points to the fact that the young man was only being a gentleman by respecting the agreement he had with the girl and her family, which includes that their relationship just be agape in nature considering their Christian background and that he must equally wait for her to round up with her university education before both can get into marriage, and that of her career as well.

A relationship which has involved both families for these many years is no longer a child’s play. I have looked around and deep, to find where else this young man has made mistakes to warrant the sort of blames and attacks he has been receiving, yet I couldn’t find any.

Or would you have preferred he forced her into going against her will, in all angle? Would you have expected that he abandoned her to her fate, refusing to contribute in building her career and otherwise? Probably having it in mind that such investments in her is a waste of resources since he would eventually relegate her to being a complete house wife? No, this young man has a totally different mindset unlike most men, he wanted the best for his woman, his future wife in the making, yet it ended up being a sin against the innocent young man.

Rather, all that Amaka could possibly come up with is the unfounded allegation that he has been subjecting her to varying degrees of domestic violence…very laughable! Domestic violence you have never ever mentioned, and you suddenly remembered it today, because you know the society would be quickly sympathetic about such stories. Thank God that the story failed to sell, as most people knew it was just a poorly cooked up story, aimed at face saving.

She only acted like a “benefit friend” who is only interested in what they can gain from a relationship, and not what they will contribute as well. She felt that she has gotten all she wanted from the young man and it’s time to push him out, especially now that someone better has actually entered the scene. Well, the truth remains that every woman who lives this kind of life will not stop at the first bus stop, she will continue doing it, because she has always comes into each relationship with a different agenda, and may do worse to others along the line.

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