How Nollywood Movie Directors & Producers Use And Dump Upcoming Actresses In The Industry!

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According to American musician, T.I, on your way to the top you gotta do anything to get there, and surely later you will try to get back your life to normal, and that’s typical of what you get in Nollywood most often, mostly involving young girls who are so eager and desperate to become movie stars like their respective role models.

But the unfortunate story is that it doesn’t always end up the way most of them had planned or anticipated. Yes, because most of them end up as victims of wicked and heartless exploitation by senior members of the industry whom they look to as their sure ladder to the top.

These young girls often up in the bed of most movie directors and producers, who have promised to make them movie stars by regularly featuring them in their movies, with some even paying these directors and producers huge sums of money just to ensure the quick actualization of their lifetime dreams of becoming screen goddesses.

Some of them manage to get one of two roles as villagers, palace maids, village maidens, etc, and that’s the end, then they move to their next victim. It’s just an ugly vicious circle in the industry which most people in the industry are fully aware of, but who will be the one to stand up against it. As such, they just pay deaf ears and blind eyes to the ugly menace.

At a point, when you continue the call the director or producer, to know how far; if there’s any role for you, either in their current or upcoming production, then you suddenly become a nuisance to them. You are either warned to stop disturbing their phone numbers or a fake promise I will get back to you. And looking at their lofty positions in the industry, these young girls will be full of hope that they will achieve their goals in the industry through such people, but like our people will say, “it is not how bitter kola sound in the mouth while chewing it that it tastes in the same mouth”.

Sadly, this is a kind of culture in the industry, and has no sign of ending any time soon, and what makes it worse is the fact that these young people willingly accepted such offers, and when it turns out sour they won’t have the courage to speak out about it coz of what people will say. As such, these predators capitalize on such loopholes to continue perpetrating their evil deeds.

Let me tell, many practitioners in that industry are carrying one curse from one girl or more as a result of this very issue. Yes, because of the prayers against them from many of these young girls they exploited without helping their careers and lives in any way, worse of it is how they end up treating these young girls who had put so much trust and hope on them. Hence why you see many of them who have been in the industry for years but nothing to show for it, not even living well talk more of boasting of serious investments other than the rod in between their legs.

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