How Nollywood Actress Ifedi Sharon Made The Best Decision Of Her Life Above Her Celebrity Status.

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Nollywood actress, Ifedi Sharon, who’s fondly called Star Girl has pulled yet another big feat in her life which once again presents her as a young girl filled with great wisdom and foresight. And she has continued to receive countless commendations from all corners.

Recall that she recently concluded with her secondary school education, and now the young girl has decided to further her education. This is a rare path walked by many young people who has achieved such level of fame and fortune. And as such, it is well deserved and worthy as well, for her to be hailed and praised for making such a great decision about her life and future as well.

Sharon recently had her university matriculation, precisely on February 29, 2024, and according to her, what’s next is her convocation ceremony.

It is not something far fetched, to pick out young people who have actually abandoned their educational pursuit because of the fame and fortune they achieved in their career, especially in the entertainment industry. We would have love to mention names, but it is not worthy as you could easily use the internet to locate such personalities, most especially in this part of the world.

And it is always a case of I have the money, I have the fame, I have the connection and more, and I can always get whatever I want, what then do I still need a university education/certificate for. Especially in a time when most young people have boldly labelled education as a “scam”. They fail to know that there will come a time their fame and fortune will begin to dwindle, and it is this your education that will come in to salvage the situation for you in many ways.

It’s just so unfortunate that many of these young people do not really understand the importance of education in ones life, because they just have a shallow thought that going to school is just for the sake of getting a job afterwards. That’s the catastrophic situation of things here, and it has really been a tug of war trying to eradicate such a misleading mentality.

Well, we say big congrats to Sharon once again, we join others to celebrate her and equally urging her not to give up along the line for any reason.

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