How Nigeria Failed This Lady Who Was Robbed, Stabbed & Pushed Out of a Moving Vehicle by Criminals in FCT

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Most of us must have heard about the story of a young Nigerian lady identified as Greatness Olorunfemi, who became a victim of typical Nigeria circumstance. Recall she was reportedly pushed out of a moving vehicle by a daredevil criminal group otherwise known as “One Chance” operators, in the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Abuja. This came after she was reportedly robbed and stabbed inside the vehicle by the same group of criminals, before they pushed her out of a moving vehicle, in their trademark modus operandi.

Unfortunately for her, she was rejected by the hospital she was rushed to by good Samaritans who must have came to her aid after her predicaments, but Nigeria or the Nigerian factor eventually became her unfortunate fate. Yes, she was unjustly rejected by the hospital she was rushed to, on the ground that she didn’t have Doctor’s report, hence they refused to attend to her as she eventually bled to death.

Mind you, she was allegedly rushed to Maitama General Hospital in Abuja, as such, being a government hospital. Now, is this the first time such has happened in this country? The answer is no! Is it the last we would ever hear or experience such? No! That’s the unfortunate situation we have been forced to live with in this country, and only God knows when such will ever stop.

It really hurts how we have lost value for human lives in this country, such that we care less about situations like this. As usual, we come on social media platforms to rant and rant, small time it dies down and we are faced with our individual problems or fresh issues in the society. Nobody has the time to pursue such matters to a logical conclusion, only to be remembered again in the phase of yet another incident of such.

It is just a vicious circle for us in this part of the world, simply because we have lost respect and value for human lives, and this is the simple truth about this whole issue. The truth is that whoever is still patronizing this law of having a police report before treating such patients is nothing but heartless and inhumane, yes! Because I’m just wondering the kind of heart I will have that I will be watching at my fellow human bleed to death, all in the name of police report. Please God, don’t ever give me or any of my family members such kind of heart!

What happens to inviting the police while the victim is being attended to? So it is the fault of the victim that he or she were attacked by criminals? We are not even talking about the fact that her government failed in protecting her life as they swore to, then you equally failed to give her attention as a result of your incompetence, now she has to pay for your sins as well?

WaTch out, in few days from now this would have been swept away, sooner than later we would have witnessed another or similar story. Let’s just be realistic, I just can’t understand how such a victim will have the time and consciousness to get a police report under that situation, and still make it on time to be at the hospital for treatment. How possible could that be?

Well, it’s so unfortunate that Nigeria failed Greatness! Nigeria eventually happened to this promising young lady! We heard that the police has started investigation into the matter, in as much as I don’t want to laugh, but the fact remains that this won’t be the end of this ugly trend, and will end up changing nothing about it either!

This incident reportedly happened on Friday, September 29, 2023.

Photo credit: Facebook/Nollywood Actresses.

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