How Most Cheating Married Men Treats Their Side-Chics But Will Never Do Same For Their Wives.

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In recent years, the rate of cheating/infidelity amongst most married men has practically worsened...

It has gotten so bad that many of these cheating married men are seen maltreating their family, especially their wives because of their mistresses. Some of these men go as far as making a caricature of their wives just to please their side chics.

Well, let’s take a good look at some of the things most of these men willingly do for their mistresses but will never do attempt doing such things for their wives at home.


This is one thing most side chics gets in abundance from these cheating married men. They lavish their mistresses with excessive caring always, such that these women (mistresses) find it hard leaving such men, even when they are fully aware they are dating someone else’s husband.

How many married men take their wives for an outing adventure, be it to a restaurant, parks, cinemas, beach, swimming exercise, etc? But they do it on a regular for their side chics, even without these women asking for it. There’s hardly any weekend they won’t go out together, to some of the most beautiful places in town, regardless of what it will cost them.

They pet and pamper their side chics always, using the most beautiful and soul captivating words on their mistresses, but are quick to insult and shout at their wives at every slightest misunderstanding. when it comes to their wives they are not good in caring and at pampering women.

These men regularly put a call across to their side chics, trying to know if she has eaten, what she wants to eat at every given moment of the day. But once these men leave home, except its their wives that calls to check up on them, else they won’t even bother to check up on the family he left at home.

Even, they go all out to purchase whatever she wanna eat and drive straight to her place to serve it to her. They will still beg her to eat it, in case they didn’t find the exact stuff she may have requested.

But when it comes to their wives, you hear things like, “madam if you cannot go and buy it yourself then leave” “is there no food in the house, manage it like that” and “madam you are distracting me, I’m busy at the moment”, with such a harsh tone.


Most of these men can spend hours, either on calls, chatting or physically with their side chics, but when it comes to their wives, he’s either tired, busy, watching TV or pressing the phone.

Even when their wives tries to fill up that void, he puts up a harsh attitude that either doscoyrages her, or chase her away.


Most of these married men know how to keep secrets from their wives, but their side chics are privy to most important information in their lives. She knows his ATM pin, phone password, the balance in his bank account, and others.

Whatever he’s planning to do, he discuses it with his mistress, seeks her opinion and approval first before embarking on it. But he won’t even dare share it with his wife talk more of seeking her opinion and approval.


A typical cheating married man is known to be so loving to his mistress, and he showers her with love and gifts.

Such men are good in taking their side chics for a shopping regularly, to the boutique, grocery stores, etc. But ask these men when last they have actually taken their wives out for a shopping and they can’t even remember.

On the other hand, if their mistress informs him about her sick mom or dad, he rallies round quickly and give her money to send to them. But ask him when last he sent money to his inlaws, most of them can’t even remember because they are not used to doing it.


These men are quick to remind their side chics how beautiful she’s or how beautiful she looks in her outfit, but the last time he ever said such to their wives was probably on their wedding day, or when he was still trying to win her heart.

If their mistress does a new hairstyle, he won’t stop admiring it, praising her beauty to the heaven. But most of them will never tell their wives how beautiful she is, in fact they will even prefer their wives to dress like an old woman in the village, while their mistress dresses sexily for them.

You as a cheating married man, you will regularly tell your side chic, how beautiful her shape is, how sexy her eyes are, how mesmerizing her hips are, how irresistible her beauty is. But when it comes to your wife, she becomes sour in your eyes, as you see nothing worthy of your admiration and praises on her body.

After sex, you tell her how sweet her body is, how you enjoyed it as you have never enjoyed it so with any other woman. Even when your wife does it better, and you enjoy her more than your mistress, but you will never open your mouth to praise her.

This is a woman who will always prepare your meal before you return home, makes arrangement for you to take your bath, makes your bed for you, takes care of your children and home, amongst other great stuffs she does for the family. But for one day you never found her worthy of your praises, to lift her spirit and make her soul happy.

Women naturally love praises, open admiration and appreciation, that’s why you win a woman’s heart and soul with just words. Yes, a woman who don’t know you from anywhere, you met and strikes a conversation, asked her out, along the line she is loving you with all her heart. To tell you the power of words in their lives.

oga, even if you must keep a side chic, stop punishing that innocent woman you left at home just because of a woman who will quickly abandon you once things get bad for you.

(Photo Credit: Google Photos)

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