How I Never Wanted To Marry My Husband Coz He Was Not My Spec- Nigerian Woman Reveals.

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A happy Nigerian woman and wife, Princess Janet is leading into the world of her marriage journey, right from the time she first met her husband. In a social media post which has since gone viral across social media platforms, she revealed how she never liked her husband when he first approached her for marriage, on the ground that he was not handsome. As such, she said to herself, “he’s not my spec”, which means she wasn’t going to give him a chance.

Well, she then went ahead to discuss the issue with her sister, who demanded to see the photo of this man in question, of which she sent her a photo of the man seeking her hand in marriage. Her sister was shocked that such a husband man is not handsome in her eyes, and wondered if she was being manipulated by evil people who do not want her to be married at all.

Further, she said though she couldn’t lay hands on what exactly was her problem, if it was because she was obsessed with dark, tall and pink lips men that made her say her husband wasn’t her spec when he first came her way. Though she stated that there are factors responsible for who people choose as their spec, such as family background, the person’s Church, tribe, educational qualifications, how rich the person is, physical look, and some others.

ThEn she advised that whatever be the qualities you consider as your spec, that everything should be committed into God’s hands. “But irrespective of the spec you have in mind, it is important to always submit all spec at the feet of Christ and accept God’s will,” she wrote.

On the other hand, many people who have reacted to the post has made it clear to her that she saying that her husband is not her spec in the first place, on the ground that he’s not handsome enough, is something very funny.

Yes, they made it clear that she is no were near her husband when it comes to physical look, as he’s far above her. Some equally berated her for bringing such discussion to the social media, but unfortunately such people failed to look beyond the post and understand the hidden message in the post.

(photo credit: Facebook/Princess Janet)

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