How Daddy Freeze And His Allies Are Aiming To Destroy The Goal Of Marriage Institution.

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Few days ago, the veteran broadcaster and social media personality who’s popularly known as Daddy Freeze, in a live video left many tongue wagging following his controversial position on what marriage should be going forward. He advised men to be selective of the kind of women they choose to marry, insisting on what the woman is bringing to the table, including demanding for monthly allowances from the woman.

Yes, he’s actually responding to the increasing difficult criteria women present to men these days, either before going into a relationship or marriage with him. You hear things like, my man must have mansion in Banana Island, he must be two hours man in bed, he must be paying monthly allowance of 10million Naira, he must sponsor me to Dubai for my shoppings and frequent vacations, etc.

In all of these, is that what marriage truly represent? These people are actually making marriage wear the identity of a business shop in Alaba or Onitsha main market, where it is all about financial transactions. Marriage is very far from such ideologies being sold to the world by all these people, including Daddy Freeze and his allies.

Marriage is the idea of our creator, hence the reason he made a woman out of the man, to be his helper and companion, and not his business associate. How on earth do a man feel, opening his mouth to ask a woman he wants to marry, for monthly allowances? In as much as it is not a bad idea for a man or woman to be selective of the kind of partner he or she settles for, but the selection criteria is not related to all these factors being presented by all these group of people in the name of marriage counseling.

When has marriage become a hookup adventure? In as much as we all want a marriage made in heaven, were we have everything working perfectly, but the fact remains that marriage was never created as a business and financial transaction. Marriage is a union were a man and woman come together, giving each other both physical, emotional and mental support, while they chase their daily bread.

BeSides, it is not what you want in a marriage that I must as well want in my own marriage. In as much as most of the women want a rich husband, it is still not all of the women who want husbands who travels a lot and hardly be with them. Some women want their man to always be around them. Ask yourself, why is that a lot of marriage by the so called rich/wealthy class in the society often crash? This should tell you that money is not the life of marriage by its original design by God, money and other of such attributes are just complimentary and will never take the position of what God has designed as the life engine of marriage.

So, have it in mind that marriage is not and will never be about what the man or woman is bringing to the table, in terms of money or other physical assets. Because such are ingredients of business transactions and not marriage transactions!

(Photo credit: Instagram)

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