How And Why Many Men Out There Are Unknowingly Walking Around With Sexual Curses!

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Most of these young men, even some older men out there don’t understand the consequences of breaking a woman’s heart and hurting her soul. And sometimes you may even pay with your own life as a man…

Life is full of fun and pleasures, in different spheres of our existence. But unfortunately most of us do not really understand how best to tap into these fun and pleasures without incurring different spiritual wraths for ourselves, especially the male gender.

Without mincing words, what many guys out there refer to as enjoyment, fun and pleasures are actually what has unknowingly kept their lives in such a pathetic condition or situation.

You as a man go about sleeping with one woman or the other, hurting and breaking hearts with so much impunity. In the end you call it fun and enjoyment! Ignorance is such a big disease ravaging many out there.

First of all, you see this thing called sex, it is more like a spiritual entanglement and covenant, beyond the comprehension of most people. Sex is a spiritual communication that extends down to your soul, so try to understand what you get yourself into in the name of fun and enjoyment.

Most important thing is that, while you go about sleeping with different women, breaking their hearts and hurting their souls without pity, equally know that you are incurring curses upon yourself, and which directs affects your spiritual life. Meanwhile, you should know that the spiritual controls the physical, so once your spiritual life is having issues, be sure that your physical life will automatically bear the loads and burden.

You don’t know what most of these women have said on your head, what prayers they have conducted on your head, probably midnight prayers while naked as well. They curse everything about your life, making dangerous utterances like, e no go ever better for you, you will never see any good thing in your life, and others.

To you, it’s a mere ranting by a woman, and you continue with your sex advantage, bringing more and more curses upon yourself. Probably you are not facing any serious challenges in your life at that moment, and you think “nothing dey happen”. My brother, things are happening ooh, and you ought to wise up and have a pity on yourself and life.

Most women have stone heart when you hurt their soul, especially when they had given you everything about their life, then you end up messing them up, and upon it, you show no remorse. Rather, you go about bragging about how many girls you have slept with, feeling like you just won a scholarship to study in ivy league universities.

Some of these women can go any length to get their revenge in situations like that, even visiting dangerous places just to ensure you suffer worse than what you made them suffer. They are willing and ready to go any length or spend whatever it will take, just to achieve their goal/target.

You might go jobless for too long, you might never know what you do with all the money you earn, you might end up as a chronic womanizer, you might get married and never have peace in your marriage, finding it difficult to bear kids, and many unending life’s tormenting.

Let me tell you a story about a certain okada rider in Imo State. This young man in his early thirty (30) stumbled into a certain stranded lady who was visiting a male friend in the state for the first time. The man’s number wasn’t going, and she was stranded financially as well.

While standing by the road side, this okada rider came her way, she stopped him, explained her situation to him. This was around 9pm already, meanwhile she entered the State around 5pm. The agreed to help her get where to sleep till the next day. A risk she decided to take because she was left with no other option.

To cut story short, later at night, he made advances, which she resisted severally that night. But he later forced his way, and left her in heartbreak. In the morning she left, and this young felt he has had fun at night. Do you know that since that incident, the man started facing strange challenges in life; from several accidents, that even eventually resulted in the amputation of his left leg, and others.

At a point, he made up his mind to make spiritual enquiries about all these happening in his life. Three different spiritualists he visited confirmed to him that he was under a serious curse, from a lady he once forcefully slept with. That she had actually gone to the grave of her late mother late in the night, naked, and laid curses on him.

Meanwhile, remember he already has his leg amputated as a result, as such, whatever solution he will get to his problems won’t solve that very one. It was while he gave a testimony of his life after he repented, that he told this story of his life, while equally warning other men to learn from his case.

Aside these things we have said here, do you know some women are not ordinary being, but from different kingdoms with different missions in life. Once you sleep with them, whether forcefully or peacefully, then you have entered their trap. Of which you don’t know what their trap is all about, whether it is that you will die prematurely, whether your children will die prematurely, or that you will remain poor afterwards, and several other worse things.

While you are catching your fun and enjoyment, be careful and wise. A word is enough for the WISE!!!

(Written by our guest writer, Okwor Maxwell Onyeka; Nigerian writer, Nollywood filmmaker and author of several books like Vengeance Of The Spirit, How Love Conquered The World, The Forbidden Son, The Needles War Surrounding The Feminism Ideology and more.

(Photo Credit: Google Photos)

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