How An Average Nigerian Young Man Celebrates The Valentine’s Day With His Girlfriend/Lover!

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The 14th of February has become a very big day in the lives of most Nigerians, such that we have even adopted the alien celebration more than those who introduced it to us. Funny enough, we have totally transformed the said valentine day celebration into a style that best suits our desires, intentions and narrative.

Well, in all of these it is still aimed at making it a very fun filled and memorable day for those who care to partake in the celebration. For an average Nigerian young man and woman, valentine is not necessarily a day set out to show and share love with any other person other than themselves, and that’s nothing but the truth.

Just like this year’s own, young people in this part of the world have lined up activities for the celebration, mostly from one joint to the other, at the beaches, clubs, amusement parks, etc. They take their women out to these places, gives her a good treat, catch all the fun and savouring every available moments of fun and enjoyment. Then at the end, they either head home or to their hotel rooms, to continue from where they stopped from their outdoor activities.

It has often been said or alleged that many young girls do not get pregnant on valentine’s day, and this is exactly the main reason. Because after all these fun, of which most of them drowns in alcohol, then going to spend their private moments together, either at home or hotel. And without mincing words, you know that such private moments is not actually meant for religious sermons or activities, but basically romantic and intimate activities.

Meanwhile, there’s likely going to be war should at the end of the outdoor activities and fun catching, the woman decides to go home from there, then that ruins the entire fun of the day. Though not for all lovers, but most of them, especially the young people, because to them, that moment is the ultimate moment of the whole day’s activities and fun catching. This might sound a bit harsh, but that’s the reality on ground, and has been so for years past.

On the other hand, we have a few others who have their own concept of how valentine’s day should be celebrated, but they are always in the minority group. These people are either seeing just going out to the eatery or any other place of choice, have fun and that settles the day. They may have exchanged valentine gifts prior to that moment or after, and everyone returns home happy and sincerely fulfilled.

But the majority falls into the first group, including those who are still even in secondary school, both junior and senior secondary. They have equally come to know and understand what valentine’s day represent, from those before them. And unfortunately, it will be almost impossible to erase such mindset and mentality from them, coz it is fun and sweet, in such an addictive manner.

Be that as it may, how ever you have planned to celebrate yours tomorrow, just apply all available caution and wisdom. Do not be carried away by the fun and sweetness there in, to avoid avoidable regrets in no distant time!

(Photo credit: Google Photos)

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