Funny Pre-Wedding Photos And The Beauty Of True Love (Photos).

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Love is such a beautiful thing, and when you are in love, you are very likely to exhibit all sorts of actions that might be considered “crazy” by some others who do not understand your feelings.

We stumbled on this trending pre-wedding photos of this yet to be identified couple, and it has actually sparked widespread reactions across social media platforms.

One thing that particularly interests me about the lovebirds is the fact that they have decided to be unique, and in such a manner that they doesn’t care about what people will say or be saying about them.

But there’s one thing I want most of us to understand, is the fact that what most of us thought that has spiritual connotations in the matter of love, relationship or marriage, are actually natural stuffs.

What do I mean, if you see a man or woman who is truly in love, we tend to conclude too hastily that it is she’s holding him with juju (spiritual powers) and vice versa.

If you see a man or woman who’s madly in love, you will be quick to conclude that he or she is under a spell. But for those who have truly been there, will easily understand that there’s nothing of such involved.

Love makes you do lots of crazy and stupid things, such that will make you wonder if the person or those involved are mentally sound. But that’s just the power of love, precisely being madly in love.

Congrats to the lovebirds. We wish them well!

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