Forcing Your Wife To Contribute To The Running of The Family is an Abuse- Dr. Obianma Reveals

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Dr. Obianma Onya who is known for her controversial social media posts has left yet another of her trademark posts, which as usual has stirred up mixed reactions across people.

According to her, no husband has the right to force his wife into supporting the upkeep of the family financially, that she alone has such right to either support the family or not. She attributed such to financial abuse, should the husband of any woman indulge into such act.

“you have no right to force your wife to contribute her money for the running of the house. That’s financial abuse. It’s her choice to make,” she wrote.

Meanwhile, while some agreed with her, some have questioned the essence of gender equality being a major issue around the world. Equally, they have asked what if the man refuses to bring out his own money for the family upkeep, will he be treated like the woman, on the ground of gender equality?

Well, the fact remains that most people do not really understand what there actually get into, because when you are busy preaching gender equality, you should know that it has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, and you do not go about embracing the ones that favours you, while rejecting any that doesn’t favour you. In other words, the husband and the wife has their financial responsibilities in their family.

On the other hand, people should be allowed to run their marriage and home in the best way that suits them. There is not globally or regionally accepted formula to running a peaceful and successful marriage, couples only adopts what best works perfectly for them, and that’s what it should be.

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