Don Jazzy’s N300 Billion New Deal With Universal Music: A Subtle Message To Yahoo Boys, Especially Yahoo Plus?

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I’m sure you must have heard the lofty and enviable business deal Don Jazzy pulled recently, with his MAVIN Music? This comes as Universal Music Group acquires about 80% shares of Mavin in a deal worth between 150-200 million dollars (153-210 billion Naira). Though the money could be over three hundred billion Naira (#300,000,000,000) if calculated using the black market exchange rate.

This is no jokes, the young man has left many people in the dream land, battling crazy fantasies and countless fatal imaginations, as they continue to help him do the maths about the money, lol.

Well, it is the dream of everyone to achieve something huge as that in their different fields of endeavours, be it illegally or legally. But how many of you are ready to put in such massive energy, dedication, time, resources and time in building something that will eventually end up like MAVIN Records? How many of you have such patience to be contempt with what your business is fetching for you at the moment, looking at the bigger picture tomorrow?

I’m so happy this news is coming this time around, that most young people in this part of the world will not listen to any advice that encourages them to quit fraud, especially internet fraud otherwise known as Yahoo-Yahoo. Unfortunately, we have seen a lot of our young people engage in countless diabolical and barbaric practices in their desperation to ride Benz and party hard. Yet in all of these, none of them have earned in total, anything ever close to the money involved in this deal.

Many of them have wasted souls, family members, friends, that of helpless victims, cutting off different body parts of women, just to pursue their internet fraud, yet have never ever earned anything close to what Don Jazzy earned here. Tell them to build a business or go to school, then you become their worse enemy, and the kind of insults they will subject you to, you may likely go into instant depression if you ain’t strong in heart and mind.

Now ask yourself, even after dealing in all sort of dirty, inhumane and ungodly practices in the name of Yahoo Plus, you can’t ever achieve anything close to this, why then do you prefer that lane? Funny enough, most of them earn some huge amount of money and end up lavishing it on luxuries; cars, clubbing, designers, womanizing and end up coming back to the point of even begging for data to chat their clients (potential victims).

Don Jazzy’s story should be a huge lesson to all such boys, let them understand that building for the future cannot be replaced with anything else, not even the gains there in. The main problem facing most of these young people is lack of patience, they just want to be billionaires overnight, without traces of their input of legitimate hardwork, resources and commitment. They want to be rich with what is in another person’s pocket, and if that doesn’t happen then they want earn. That’s why they get involved in all sorts of spirituality just to manipulate the consciousness of their potential victims. How long do you intend living this kind of lifestyle?

If you create value, solve problems, etc, then you earn, that’s the summary of how to make money. For all your life do you want to be targeting what others have in their coffers? Is that all you desire for in your entire life? It must not be as big as that of Mavin, but be rest assured that what will come out of it will leave you extremely happy, excited and satisfied.

(Photo credit: Google)

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