Desperation For Social Media Trend Has Turned Sour For This Lady!

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With the manner some of these young Nigerian women go about spewing rubbish both on podcast interviews and on social media posts, is actually going to be the doom of most of them.

Basically all these ladies brought to do podcast interview end up in the society’s bad book. They talk without minding their choice of words, not to talk about the consequences of what they feed the public.

Simply because they want to trend and for people to talk about them, hence fetching them quick fame and popularity. The madness attached with the desperation to trend is becoming something else, and I bet you, a lot of these young people will end up in a big mess as result.

Just recently, a certain Nigerian lady, Chinwe Splendor appeared on a podcast interview session with Yanbaba, during which she revealed how she she used to miss lectures in her university days. But ended up with good grades, which she used her body to get.

Now, she is crying that the university in question has reached out to her, to return the certificate that was issued to her, within 48 hours.

“After my interview in a podcast where I said I hardly attended lectures but graduated with good grades because I used my body to get all I wanted in school. The university I attended has emailed me and ordered I should return my certificate before 48 Hours,” she lamented.

During the controversial interview, she made some other careless utterances including that she has slept with all the Managing Directors of the Real Estate companies in Anambra state. She even alleged that all the women into real estate business sleeps with buyers before they are patronized.

You can imagine the length people go just to trend on social media, damaging their image, name and reputation (if there’s any actually), just to trend on social media. God! What kind of human beings do we even have these days? Women with no iota of shame, no pride left in them anymore.

Well, you guys should just continue, never you stop. Go to the social media platforms and tell the world how your dad used to knack your mother, how your dad used to knack your housemaid. Find more controversial stories about yourself, your family, etc, and spill them to the world. You are really doing great, the sky shall be your starting point!

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