CRAZY: Nigerian Lady Beg Government To Ban DNA Test As It Tears Family Apart In Her Compound.

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Some of the crazy things we come across on social media is often beyond comprehension, frankly, and what you are about reading is one of such things. Yes, a certain Nigerian lady and Twitter (X) user identified as Benita (@BemuNitq) has pleaded with the Nigerian Government to place a ban on the conduct of the controversial DNA Test, as it has done more harm than good.

According to Benita, a certain female neighbor of hers recently recently went for the said DNA Test for his two daughters, only to found out that none of the girls are truly his blood. In other words, the wife must have been cheating on him all these years, hence why she got impregnated by another man for two of their daughters. Meanwhile, the man is said to have trained these girls up to the university level, only to discover via a DNA Test that none of them are truly his blood. And revealing that the man is nearly going mad as a result of the outcome of the test.

“Nigerian government should please cancel the conduct of DNA Test, that shit has done a whole lot of harm than good,” she wrote.

Further, she added, “my neighbor found out yesterday that he is not the father of his two girls. Girls he already trained to university level, the baba wan mad”.

Another Twitter user identified as @Nnekanwa threw her weight behind the idea of banning the conduct of DNA Test in the country, making it clear that those who are going for DNA Test will eventually find what they are looking for. Suggesting that people should allow the sleeping dog lie

“Seriously the harm it causes on mental health is just too much,” Benita replied.

Read the complete post from Benita below…

Meanwhile, even though Benita is most concerned about the mental health of those going for DNA Test for their children, it wasn’t enough to calm the frayed nerves of many people as they trolled and criticized her mercilessly.

Many accused her of promoting and encouraging infidelity in marriages, and even alleged that she too is looking like one with the tendency of walking same path; giving her husband children she got impregnated by another man.

Well, sometimes people should rather keep quiet than talking, especially while commenting on highly sensitive matters like the conduct of DNA Test. Even if such thought had crept inti her mind unknowingly, she should have killed such thought or thinking instantly.

Yes, because it is one of the most wicked act in human existence, for you as a woman to give you husband children you are full aware that are not his. You know how you got pregnant, who got you pregnant, but still forced it down the throat of your darling husband. What more could be more wicked and inhumane than this?

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