Catholic Priest Exposes Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin As His Fight With Very Darkman Enters Another Level.

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A Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Kelvin Ugwu has waded into the feud between Very Dark BlackMan, VDM and prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin of Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry.

Recall that VDM has tackled the prophet over his sale of miracle water, healing soap, miracle key and other items to his church members. He equally questioned the authenticity of these items and their NAFDAC number.

The drama snowballed into a situation were Fufeyin slammed a one billion lawsuit against VDM and restraining order, following his recent posts on social media platforms about the aforementioned items.

Meanwhile, Fr. Kelvin Ugwu has slammed Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin for going to court over the matter, simply because an unbeliever is in doubt over the authenticity and efficacy of his miracle items. He termed the lawsuit as simply an act of intimidation just to silence him.

He made it clear that what prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin is expected to do in this matter is to try to convince VDM to become a believer through practical exhibition of the said miracles he claim to be performing.

That even when Thomas doubted Jesus Christ, during his resurrection, of which he reappeared to his disciples to clear the doubts of Thomas.

In his exact words; “on a normal-normal, if a supposed “unbeliever” doubts the miracle you claim you can perform in God’s name, you leave him to God or show practical evidence of your miracles”.

That even when Thomas doubted Jesus Christ, during his resurrection, of which he reappeared to his disciples to clear the doubts of Thomas.

“Even Jesus did the same when Thomas doubted his resurrection, he appeared again to the disciples just to clear Thomas’ doubt and win him to himself”.

Then stressing that because we have an abnormal society were abnormalities has become a tradition, then prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin could only come up with the idea of silencing VDM through the means he has adopted. Just simply because VDM challenged his lies and seeing himself as the most powerful man of God whom God has given both the keys of life and death.

“But because we are in the abnormal-normal, you rather take the “unbeliever” to court to intimidate him for challenging you because you also believe in your own lies that you are the most powerful man of God and major prophet whom God gave the keys of life and death. Mtchwww,” he concluded.



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