Catholic Priest Educates Christians On How To Fight Poverty, As it Can Never Die By Fire!

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Catholic priest has finally exposed the way out of poverty for Christians, as no amount of “poverty die by fire” can actually end poverty…

One of the most controversial discussions in this part of the world has remains religious matters, especially the kind of Christianity being practiced here over the years.

Many on the other hand has resorted to prayers and religious activities as their weapon of fighting poverty, which has continued to become endemic over the years, regardless of the excessive prayers and otherwise, implored by millions of people in fighting poverty.

Well, a certain Roman Catholic priest, Oselumhense Anetor, better known by his social media name as “Fada Kay Media” has reminded Christians that no amount of screaming “poverty die by fire” that will do such magic.

“Poverty does not die by fire. It dies when you engage your God given talents in meaningful, valuable and profitable endeavours,” he wrote.

Unfortunately, many people out there will still come for his head, as it has become almost impossible convincing many of these people that poverty is not something you end by mere prayers and other religious devotions. While you engage in your prayers, it is equally important to understand that prayers without hardwork is an effort in futility.

“Jesus christ became poor for me to be Rich, so my riches is not about hard work,” Ehoda John replied the Padre.

“Mine is dying by fire, thunder storm and brimstone this night.
I have a very serious mid night prayer to make. And the purpose is to kill my enemies who are blocking my ways. They must die. I paused,” @ Prince Johnson wrote.

“No manner will fall from heaven again so do what you can do with your talent to put food on your table,” Elizabeth Daniyop.

“Prayer and smart work are the perfect combo,” Reginald Amara.

“Some believe in prayer without work.
They will say what God can not do does not exist,” Ken C A Ozor.

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