Catholic Priest Condemns Those Using The Name of Jesus Christ To Pray Against Witch Bird (Owl) 🦉

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A Roman Catholic Priest has reacted to those who are fond of using the name Christ Jesus to pray against the bird owl, which most people refer to as witch bird in this part of the world. He was teaching about what it means to use the name of God in vain, as stated in the second Commandment of God which forbids anyone from using God’s name in vain.

According a post made via his verified Facebook page, Rev. Fr. Kelvin Ugwu frowned at the idea of demonizing the bird owl, which is one of God’s creatures. He warned that using the name of Jesus Christ during the destruction of owl amounts to calling his name in vain.

“When you call on the name of Jesus for destruction over God’s creation like an Owl which you have persistently and willfully judged to be a demon, when you shout and invite Holy Ghost Fire to unlock an ordinary padlock you willfully judged to be locking your destiny, you take God’s name in vain,” he posted.

Read up the complete post made by the Catholic priest below…

While equally reacting to a question posed to him by someone, precisely by Evangelist Infinity Okechi, whether it is good to train a vulture in place of chicken or Eagles, as owl or bat are forbidden by the Holy Bible, he then shared a photo of himself posing with an Owl. Which in other words means he’s not in the league of those who demonize owl or bat.

Reacting to the post, a certain Facebook user identified as Obianke Richard Victor criticized Fr. Kelvin over his stand on the above subject matter, which led to an exchange of words between him and the Catholic priest.

Well, people are at liberty to form their faith and belief in whatever way so pleasing to them. If I decide to see dogs are my enemies it is my personal decision and belief, if I equally decide to see snakes as my bestie, same things goes as well.

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