Blessing CEO Reveals Why She Doesn’t Do Small Boys!

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When it comes to relationship, it is very clear that different people have their different preferences and choices, and Blessing CEO is one of them.

The controversial self acclaimed Relationship expert and counselor took to her social media to reveal why she doesn’t give younger boys a space in her life.

Citing that she is a person who doesn’t like to be stressed with unnecessary calls, presumably a trademark of the younger boys in question. where as older men provide security and maturity, of which she didn’t break it down.

“why I don’t do small boys. Older men provide a sense of security and maturity. I no like stress, don’t call me too much just send money,” she wrote.

While she may have her detest for these younger boys, there are many other women out there who prefers younger men, it all boils down to individual choices and needs.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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