Billionaire Elon Musk Shades COVID-19 Vaccine, Questions The Continued Existence Of The Unvaccinated!

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Elon Musk seems to enjoy the controversies he stirs up from time to time, both outside the corridors of US politics. And one thing about him is the fact that he doesn’t pretend about his position on issues.

Well, the Tesla boss has made a yet another another controversial post regards the controversial COVID vaccine. In a post via his official X account, he questioned why all those who didn’t get the COVID-19 Vaccine aren’t all dead by now.

“It’s been three years, shouldn’t all the unvaccinated be dead by now,” he posted.

Recall that at the peak of the COVID pandemic in 2021, countries across the world made it a mandatory requirements for citizens to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

And for those traveling to another country, they must present their COVID vaccination proof. But gradually, as the pandemic begin to ease off, the push for the vaccine dropped as well.

And following the post made by Elon Musk, lots of people have been reacting to it as seen below…

“If I recall, it was supposed to be a winter of severe illness and death,” X user @ Kevin Estopinal commented.

“I wish I hadn’t gotten the bogus COVID vaccines,” @ Heejune Park wrote.

“Holy shit you spread misinformation so much. How are you so smart and so dumb at the same time?” @ Dachshund Wizard.

“Turns out it was all a big scam,” @ M_goes_distance wrote.

“The first rule of COVID-19 is we don’t talk about COVID-19,” @ Godfather.

“Meanwhile, Biden has gotten covid how many times?” @therylems.

“They lied and forced people to take a vaccine that WAS NOT properly tested,” @ Chuk Callesto.

“That’s where GOD comes in Elon,” @ Investor Ben.

“Honestly! I feel like the vaccine actually hurt me and my family much more than COVID did,” @Hutchinson_Ryan.

“Don’t show “Dr” Fauci this,” @MTGrepp.

“Were lucky all the vaccinated aren’t dead,” @ Karson Coker,

and quick response to this comment, Sean @RobSeanBTC wrote, “That was the original claim by conspiracy theorists that the shot was a population control device to kill off the vaxxed. I even had people say all my loved ones who got the jab would be dead today in 2021”.

“Miracle of miracles. I’m alive,” @ Colette Harington wrote.

“The governments were trying
to poison their citizens…I lost 3-4 jobs because I refused to take it. I refuse to. Pulmonary embolisms almost up like 500%. Cancers have increased 300%. All cause mortality, up 40% in some age groups,” @ Red Pill USA wrote.

“Didn’t see Elon putting that out! Good point… Shouldn’t we be long dead?” @ Salty Goat.

Well, the fact remains that the world witnessed COVID-19, and the story about the subsequent COVID vaccines is still being subjected to a lot of doubts and scrutiny. Also, even many people still even doubt the existence of the COVID virus itself. Just be safe out there!



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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