Seasoned Nollywood actor, Williams Uchemba is seemingly excited to reunite with veteran actress and his senior colleague, Hilda Dokubo on the set of an upcoming Nollywood movie. The duo last met on a movie set twenty five years (25) ago, precisely in 1999, being on the set of the movie titled “Journey Of The Dead”. […]
Popular Nollywood actress and late Junior Pope’s bestie, Ruby Ojiakor has come through to one of the most outstanding Human Rights Activist in Nigeria. This is coming few days after the Human Rights Activist visited the actress, to console her over the death of her colleague and bestie. They equally donated some household items, and […]
As the burial ceremony of late Nollywood actor, John Okafor, popularly known as Mr. Ibu draws closer, family and friends of the deceased have gone publicly to solicit for funds to give the late actor a befitting funeral ceremony. Recall that the burial ceremony of the actor has long been slated for June 28, 2024, […]
Popular and controversial Nigerian musician, Portable has continued to wallow in excessive grace across all boards. The singer took to his Instagram page to flaunt the wads of dollars he made just from a single show in America with the caption, “can’t do without them. Osofia international album loading…” The young man who is currently […]
It is good when we read some glorious and glowing academic achievements from young Nigerians, especially at a time many young people are seeing education as a waste of time and resources. As such, many of them has abandoned academic pursuits for quick wealth. Nigerian girl, Emmanuella Ilok has actually made the country and herself […]
A certain Nigerian woman identified as one Chioma Ochonma Amalaha has been trending for all the wrong reasons on planet earth. Her recent Facebook posts has stirred up serious reactions and conversations across all boards. In the said posts, she made it clear that she wished that her daughters will turn into lesbians just so […]
This young Nigerian Police Officer has been trending for all the good reasons that are hardly associated with our officers in this part of the world. Well, his name is Bruno Chigozie Opara, who has been trending for his good looks, smart and neat dressing. The young police officer is currently helping in adding a […]
England and Manchester United defender, Harry Maguire has reacted to him being left out of Gareth Southgate’s list for this summer’s edition of the European Football Championship. He lamented the fact that he was left out of the Squad, “I am devastated not to have been selected to play for England at the Euros this […]
An undisclosed woman has practically faced one of the worst humiliations of her life following an incident which occured inside the market. The said woman was allegedly caught stealing tubers of yam, meant for the upkeep of her family. Reports has it that she couldn’t afford both food and the yam, hence she resorted to […]