As a Woman Here Are Things To Expect From Your Man As The New English Premier League Season Kicked Off!

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Football matches is more like a tonic to the life of many men out there, and that much anticipated football season is here once again…

The return of the new English Premier League, EPL, was greeted with so much excitement among football lovers across the world, especially fans of the EPL in Nigeria.

With the increasing numbers of Nigerians watching the league, it is equally important for us to highlight some of the expectations that will trail the football season, and what you as a wife or girlfriend should naturally expect to witness at home.

Mood Swing: You should expect the mood of your partner to frequently be on a swinging mood, especially during when his favourite football club is playing, especially if your partner is a Chelsea and Manchester United supporter.

Naturally, he will be full of happiness whenever his team is playing well or on the winning side. But if things are on the opposite, definitely you are likely to see him sad and unhappy.

There’s even the possibility of him changing his mind of some things you both may have planned on doing prior to the football game. For instance, he may not be interested in going out for a date after a football game were his team performed badly.

This is because his memory will all be about what transpired in the field of play, and as long as that is still in his head, he would likely be saddened by the outcome of that game.

He may even use harsh words with you at such times, because he’s overwhelmed by the anger resulting from the poor performance of his team, but try to show enough understanding and tolerance because he will come back to his normal self soon after.

LOST OF APPETITE: Whenever his team is not doing well he would most likely have a lost of appetite for everything, especially food.

Do not see it that he has gone out to eat, or has lost interest in your delicious food. No, the bad performance of his team is just the cause of that, and you should try to be very tolerant and highly understanding at such a time.

I will advice you as his woman, to pet him, be nice and easy with him. But trying to apply force and being moody as well won’t help matter. Just take it easy, because hunger will still hammer him afterwards and he will come looking for same food.

Divided Attention: During this time, there’s every possiblity his attention will be divided between you and a football game.

He will likely not have time to share with you during a football game, as such, you might start feeling bad and unimportant. No, these things are just natural with football lovers, it is not because he has lost interest in you.

There are men who don’t like watching football games alone at home, as such, he prefers going to a viewing center, were the fun would be at its peak.

Generosity Mood: There are football lovers who like to express their joy and happiness by spending lavishly when his team wins.

He buys drinks and other things for people, as he’s overwhelmed with the joy, happiness and excitement that comes with the victory recorded by his team. This is often more pronounced with Chelsea fans.

Please don’t see it that he’s being wasteful and start making trouble with him. No, rather, try to advice and caution him to be mindful of his spendings at such time. Because these are just natural instincts with core football lovers, and not just an intentional wasteful adventure.

BETTING: On the other hand, if your partner is a betting type, expect an increased betting this period as there will be many football games that offers good odds, sure bets and great potential of being a winning game.

So, it’s just a matter of understanding the situation and applying adequate wisdom in managing the situation. According to our local parlance, all these things “no chop belleful”, it’s just understanding that matters and nothing more.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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