As A Lady, Here’s What You Must Avoid In The Name Of a Serious Relationship With Him!

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I read a post somewhere that forbids anyone into a serious from going out on a date with another person. Though the post didn’t specify which gender it was talking to, but I knew it was indirectly directed to women.

But the post failed to specify what it meant by a “Serious Relationship”, because what we see as serious relationship in this cline is basically a time bomb waiting to devour the victim’s heart following a heartbreak. Yes, you wait for a relationship to ultimately end up at the altar, but you are served a tasteless breakfast for no justifiable reasons.

As a woman, the only time you should be restricted from going for dates with another man is once he has married you. Do not be fooled into dumping yourself for him in the name of a serious relationship, whether he has given you engagement ring, taken you to his parents or not.

It is not a push for flirting ooo, going out on dates doesn’t equate climbing his bed, so you don’t misunderstand the point. No man should tie you down for years in the name of a serious relationship, while perfecting his sinister motives that will shatter you completely. Only to come up with the satanic excuses that “my mother said, my people said, my pastor said” and all that shits.

For women above 25, every serious relationship you are into should have a time frame. This is basically for the good of your heart and mental health, because most guys here will keep you in the name of a serious relationship for 3 years and more.

Meanwhile, in spite all your efforts in making sure the relationship work, including taking all sorts of shits from him and his family, yet he will still dump you later.

As a lady or woman, always play safe in a relationship because the odds will always favour the man. Yes, he can’t always jump unto another woman and settle down immediately, but you have to wait for another man to come your way, and some times it doesn’t come for a long time or at all.

Meanwhile, you would have chased away all the good men that would have married you, all in the name of keeping or being in a so called “Serious Relationship”. Always be wise and play safe; any relationship that lasts more than a year without a clear direction of where it is headed to, without any serious commitment to marital journey, kindly walk out of such relationship. It is a risk for you!

Worse of it is that most of these bad guys won’t even care about your mental health, as they go about enjoying life with their new catch (woman), uploading photos and videos of such on social media to hurt you the more. No even financial compensation to use hold body, as at all – at all na him bad pass.

They will only tie you down with the so called serious relationship, just so you can be satisfying their sexual desires. The only serious relationship you should accept is marriage, every other should be treated as a mere dating, which can be discarded at any time.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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