All The Damning Allegations Of Sex Trafficking, Gang Rapping, Drugging Cases Against Music Mogul, Diddy

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Recall that on March 25, 2024, the Federal agents from the US homeland security carried out a surprising raids of Daddy’s two apartments located in Los Angeles and another in Miami, following series of sexual assaults, and other allegations levelled against him.

Casandra Cassie:

While the federal prosecutors are yet to officially charge Sean Diddy Combs, simply known as Diddy to the court, especially after the raids. On the other hand, his ex partner, Casandra Cassie Ventura filed a lawsuit against him in November 2023.

She had accused the music mogul of raping her back in 2018, physical assault (beating), forcing her to have forceful sexual intercourse with his (Diddy’s) male sex workers, trafficked as well. All she suffered for over a period of ten years.

Well, the next day, it was reported that the duo settled out of court, with the amount involved heavily concealed, and his lawyer clearly stated that the settlement doesn’t mean his client is guilty in anyway.


There is this recent one from Rodney Lil Rod Jones, who used to work with Diddy’s label as a producer. He filed a lawsuit against Diddy in February 2024, alleging that he suffered unwanted advances from Diddy’s associates, including forcing him into relationship with sex workers hired by the music mogul, under his directive.

He also claimed to have been sexually harassed, raped, drugged, etc for about a year by Diddy. Citing to have video evidences of some of the alleged atrocities committed by Diddy, including hosting strip parties with under age women, and the abuse of drugs by them as well.

The lawsuit included 50 Cent’s ex girlfriend and mum to one of his kids, Daphne Joy, as one the sex workers hired by Diddy. Meanwhile, 50 Cent has relentlessly shaded and trolled Diddy via his social media platforms since the raid on his apartments.

Joie Dickerson Neal:

In November 2023, she too filed a lawsuit against Diddy, alleging she was drugged and sexually abused by the rapper. She equally alleged that Diddy even made a video recording of the said assault, while she was still a College student in 1991.

More accusations from the female gender: Since November 2023, some other women have actually come out with more allegations against Diddy, all related to sexual assaults and more.

For instance, in same November, an anonymous woman came out to accuse Diddy and Aaron Hall, a singer and song writer of raping her and her friend in 1990/1991, not too sure of the year according to her. This was after they had finished attending an MCA Records event in New York, NY.

The suit revealed that it was after party, that the two women were subjected to the claims made in the suit, including that Diddy and his friend, Hall, had invited them to the after party event, offered them more and more drinks, after which Diddy alleged forced himself on one of them. Hall on his part barged into their room, forced himself on Jane Doe, and eventually having unconsenting sex with her.

In December last year, Diddy was equally hit with yet another lawsuit from Jane Doe, accusing him of drugging and gang rapping her along his associates back in 2003, while she was just 17 year old. The ugly incident reportedly took place in Diddy’s studio in New York City, were he and his two associates (cohorts) drugged and gang rapping her.

Further, the suit accused Diddy of running a sex trafficking scheme, which was the reason she, Jane Doe, was flown with a private jet from her home in Michigan to New York, to meet up with Diddy. Though it wasn’t started if the private jet belonged to Diddy.

Tanika Ray: She used to be a back up dancer to Diddy, and has come out to react to the present predicaments that has befallen her former boss.

In a social media post, shockingly made it clear that she’s not surprised at that has started to come out about Diddy. She stated that she was fully aware of the reason she had avoided him at all cost while they worked together. Then added that, “nothing that is happening is surprising”.

On the other hand, there are indications that more people, especially women who may have fallen victim of Diddy’s evil exploits in the past, are possibly lining up with their lawsuits and more damning allegations and evidences, to be slammed against him sooner or later.

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