Husband Narrates How He Dealt With His Wife And Her Overzealous Pastor.

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A Nigerian man who is obviously not a fan of the encroachment of some men of God into marriages and homes, as he gives an account of how he was able to deal with his wife and her pastor in the same manner.

According to this “No Nonsense” husband, Abode, there was a time his wife reported him to her pastor, probably they were having the usual husband and wife issues.

When the pastor called him, he blocked the pastor, and even did same on WhatsApp as well. The pastor then resorted to his wife, told her how her husband (Abode) is too hot tempered.

Few days later, the pastor’s wife called him, after the usual pleasantries, she told him that pastor want to speak with him, but he turned it down and went on to end the call. He’s open about who he wants to be talking with; the pastor’s wife.

Worried by the attitude of her husband, she asked her husband what does he really want. She was already getting fed up with the attitude being put up by her husband of insisting that he only wants to be talking with the pastor’s wife only, and not with the pastor himself.

He then went on to make it clear to both the pastor and the pastor’s wife, that the only person he’s interested in talking with is the pastor’s wife.

His reason being that, since his wife is always talking with her pastor, that natural justice demands that he too should be talking with the pastor’s wife.

While he didn’t reveal how the entire scenario eventually ended, but he advised his fellow married men to always stand their ground when it comes to affairs of their marriage and home. According to him, they are more important in their various marriages and homes than any other person, including their wife’s pastors.

“…your home is your home, and you are above them all. Don’t let your partner use anyone outside of the home to threaten you or make you succumb. It doesn’t matter whatever the reason may be,” he added.

Read his exact post on this matter below…

Truth remains that many married women out there places more value and respect ok their pastors and men of God far more than they do for their husbands.

This should stop, while you have to respect your men of God, but your pastor is not and will never be more important than your husband in your life. I know many of you out there will either misunderstand me or deliberately chose to insult the post for no reason.

Be that as it may, you cannot kill the truth! If your man of God is now more important to you than your husband is to you, why not you just quit that marriage and just go ahead and marry your man of God?



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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