Two Young Lovebirds Set To Marry Each Other In Benue State On Friday August 30.

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Love they say is a very beautiful thing and one of the best divine gift to humanity, and it is what this lovebirds have once again demonstrated as they set to marry each other today, Friday August 30, 2024.

Their marriage is coming on the heels of lots of divergent opinions particularly with regards to their age, and questions bothering on why the rush to go into marriage when they have a lot of time to pursue their dreams in life first.

Well, against all that, the soon to be young couple looked determined for the adventure regardless of whatever opinion people have about them.

Besides, even their wedding invitation card clearly stares that, “he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtain favour from the Lord”.

Comfort and Hyacinth will be getting married to each other today, at Mr. Kuatsea compound, Mbakumbaka Ikurav-yakwande Local Government Area of Benue State.

But regardless of what anyone has to say, I stand to be convinced on what this young people stands to gain from rushing into marriage. While marriage is a good thing, but there’s time for everything, and even the Holy Bible acknowledged the fact that truly, there’s time for everything.

Whether you believe it or not, marriage is capable of setting you several miles back, and if care is not taken, separate you completely from ever reaching your goals and dreams in life. Especially when you are coming from an economically disadvantaged background.

What should be bothering any young person at such age is how to actualize his or her dream, and not marriage. Finish tour education, finish your skills learning program, etc, and position your life and future for greatness, and afterwards you talk about marriage



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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