Pregnant Mother Criticized For The Way She Posed With Son In Her Maternity Photos!

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Civilization and modernization has continued to strip the world naked of all its morality and decency, as people no longer care about the things they indulge into. Which is why many people fear for the generation coming behind as to what to expect from them.

Well, while on the same issue, a certain mother of two has been heavily criticized and bashed on social media for the idea of maternity shots she put up with her biological son. Many people have openly condemned her, tagging the photos as indecent.

She shared maternity photos as her son help her tummy, typical of what to expect between a couple via her personal Instagram page @kimmyboo21, and captioned it, “wish I could find the right words to describe how happy I am. Mother of kings“.

Many people are not really quite happy, citing that she is actually exposing the young boy to indecency, and equally giving room for people to attach suspicious and nasty thoughts to it.

That’s how you pose with your man not your son. You had me a lil confused,” @mara.mara17967.

“Having a baby with a teenager is weird lad as hell,” @uss_keff wrote.

Reacting to the comment above, @kam0hyea replied, “if y’all looked through her page, you will see that this is her son”.

Then @libraoct80 responded with, “well, how are we supposed to know, normally people pose like this with the child’s father not their child”.

“The entire photo is delusional,” @weregre1980.

“Damn my heart skipped for some minutes, had to go do some investigations on both pages, at least let us know he’s your son on the caption next time,” @richrichforex.

“Ok I thought it was just me, but after reaching the comments I see…I wasn’t tripping, I thought this young man was the daddy. This is a couple maternity shoot look,” @ladynikwoodson.

“Na the young boy be her husband?” @akpoghenetasunday.

“Is the guy there your son or the father of the child?” @debchy.

“Na this small boy impregnate you?” @lekanlomo1010.

“Son impregnates mom,” @the_data_prof.

“Y’all post anything, that don’t look cute at all,” @t_white89.

“She needs a man this picture is weird. Not sure if that’s the son or father,” @_myawilliams_23.

Well, while she might have no ill intentions or see nothing bad in what she did, I doubt if this is actually the best she could have come up with. I give it a thumb down rating, it doesn’t really appeal to a decent and morally upright mind.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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