Why About 50% Of Women Will Be Without A Man, Marriage & Mostly Childless In Few Years Coming!

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There’s this trend aimed at eliminating everything about marriage and family, and soon it will become a full blown pandemic plaguing the world.

According to a study, some time ago by Morgan Stanley, it is estimated that about 45% of women between the age of 25-44, will be single, without a man and no marriage, by 2030.

Well, there are quite a number of factors leading up to that, basically for the fact that most women no longer get into marriage early any more. Yes, women now want to go to school, further their education/studies, take up jobs, pursue their own dreams and careers as well.

Equally, most women do not want to face the headache of marriage, were they are limited by the dictates of their partner or constrained by the duty of child bearing. They want to have all the freedom on earth, to party at will, travel around, club whenever they want, attend friends events and other social life activities.

On the other hand, we have women just the men, who are scared of marriage, judging from what they have seen their friends, family members, etc, go through in their various or previous marriages. It is just a complete vicious circle without any hope in sight to solving these problems.

We have seen a couple of women go into marriage, only to rush out within a blink of an eye, on the ground that what they see in the marriage is very far from their expectations. Sadly, it is often almost impossible to convince such women or other women in their circle to get married afterwards.

I have equally seen a lot of women who are only interested in having a man get them pregnant, have one of two kids, and they are permanently done with that marriage or relationship. They go back to focus on their career, job, studies, pursuits, etc, and there’s practically nothing you can do to talk them into marriage or a serious relationship.

Already, they have pre-conditioned their minds on the kind of life they want to live, so you can’t convince them against that. More and more women are increasing becoming comfortable with living their lives alone, no man or relationship.

In as much as we all try to pretend about it, the fact remains that the continued existence of the marriage institution is already threatened by all these. Yes, because while the number is fast growing on the side of the women gender, it is equally found on the opposite gender.

Everyone wants space, freedom, peace of mind and zero restrictions. While we all seem selfish in that regard, the society suffers it in the end, and we will be left with the option of to lamenting and doing practically nothing about it.

Finally, it is not even every woman these days is interested in child bearing, as they consider such as a burden, and an agenda to distort their beautiful body and sexy shape. Only interested and obsessed with just having fun and enjoying their lives without any sort of obstacle or whatever!

And with more women becoming financially independent, it is even more an interesting episode after episode. Most of them believe they don’t need any man as long as they can take care of their bills same way any man would do for them.

So brace up, it is almost here completely!

(Photos are purely for illustration purpose and doesn’t represent characters in the article. Photo Credit belongs to Forbes, LinkedIn, Nace, Qora)



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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