Nigerian Female Lawyer Educates Women On The Legal Consequences Of Dumping A Man After Sending Her To School.

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It has been quite a recurring experience in different parts of Africa, and most prominently in Nigeria, were a man will see a woman through the university and spent a lot of money in the process, yet she dumps him to marry another man in the end.

Well, Nigerian legal practitioner Ninnah has highlighted the consequences of walking the aforementioned path, and the need for her fellow gender to be guided by their actions in that regard.

She made it clear that if any woman deem it fit to subject her man to such ridicule and betrayal, that he’s eligible to pursue legal redress if he so wish. As such, he will be able to recover all he has spent on the said woman.

In her words, “If you promised to marry Okoro and he trained you in school. You and your family now realized Okoro has a big head and he’s an illiterate…

Okoro can sue you for damages and collect everything he’s ever spent on you . Continue collecting Okoro’s money. You case file is open for ‘Breach of Promise to Marry‘”.

This was sighted in the legal battle in the case Egbe v. Adefarasin (1987) NWLR (Pt. 133) 594, as Ninnah informs parents and women who are in the habit of doing such.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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