Nationwide Protest: Police Allegedly Killed Two Unarmed Protesters in Kano

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The Nationwide Protest and demonstration anchored on a couple of hashtags like “End Bad Governance in Nigeria”, “Take Back our Country”, “Worsening Hardship” “High Cost of Living”, etc, which kicked off on August 1st has continued to record a lot of ugly scenes.

If it’s not looting, it will be attack on properties, security agents shooting unarmed protesters, firing tear gas on protesters, and several other horrible Stories.

Unfortunately, we have continued to witness more of these ugly scenarios, with the alleged killing of two unarmed protesters by the police. An X user (formerly Twitter) who’s a financial expert and businessman, took to his account on Saturday to mourn the death of the deceased.

“Today at End Bad Governance protest in Kano Rijiyar Lemo, this young comrade and this lady participated and were shot dead by police. All the best to our fellow heroes,” Maibiti Mni @Maibitil_ wrote.


Meanwhile, many people have taken to the comment section to lament and mourn the painful of the protesters allegedly killed by security men while they participated in the demonstration.

“He killed innocent peaceful unarmed protesters because he wore Police uniform,by God grace he will die miserable with Maman Gogoro Debts,” Abdullahi Muhammad @Abbah_Oboh wrote.

“Tell me it isn’t true. God rest their souls. Amen,” another X user wrote.

“This guy looks familiar.. seems to be a TikTok guy I know,” @GiwanDan.

“May their souls rest in peace. Fellow heroes,” @Akpomamus186428.

“I know this guy wallahi ba rawanshi,” Dan Ummah @Danumma1420 wrote with a heartbroken emoji.

“This is heartbreaking,” @AY_hassan_

On the other hand, Amnesty International has called on the Nigerian Government to investigate the alleged killing of unarmed protesters by security operatives, who reportedly opened fire on the protestors in different parts of the country.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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