The Bigger Consequences For Youths Using Drugs To Enhance Sex Performance!

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As a young man, you would definitely come across lots of tempting and hard to resist peer pressure, and on too many occasions you would have succumbed and gradually it forms part of your daily lifestyle.

This is mostly anchored on the habit of lots of our male youths, from teen age to age of an adult, you have made it a habit to swim in hard drugs just to teach her a lesson; that you are truly a man who can last in bed for ages.

It’s just a pity, how most of the young people here depend on drugs to enhance their sex performance. What happens to your life when you eventually get married, and start aging?

My brother, you are surely pushing yourself to a corner full of tears and regrets, and soon you will start hearing things like “be touching it it will soon stand” “just be touching it, that’s it how it does at times when this or that happens”.

Oga, you are already experiencing erectile dysfunction! At such early age of your life! Simply because you have killed your system with drugs in the name of lasting longer in bed!

On the other hand, try having sex without those pills; tramadol, Viagra and co, and see how much damage you have done to your sex life. You will barely last twenty seconds and you pour everything, simply because you have damaged your system with drugs.

And when you eventually get married, so you will do what then? Where you are likely to meet your wife more often than you do with your girlfriend! We are not talking about the damages you are incurring to your vital organs yet, which is another consequences on its own.

At a stage of your life that you are supposed to be fighting for your future, rather, you are fighting to win a useless award in bed. Have you sat down to ask yourself, what will I eventually gain in the end from this thing I’m doing?

Stop being a slave to such a useless lifestyle which adds nothing of value to your life in all ramifications. Stop building a career of drugs simply because you want to enhance your sex performance, because you are only damaging your life, especially that your penis, because a time will come soon that you start experiencing severe erectile dysfunction.

No matter how long you last on a woman, it won’t stop her from craving for more sex, what then is the need of killing yourself just to prove nothing? Mr. Man focus on your life, future and career, her waist is not any of them, and you will win no single award in the end. So, why all the struggles and stress to prove a point on her waist?

Photo Credit: All photos used here are purely for illustration purpose and doesn’t represent the story in this article. Sourced from GoodRx, and Frontiers.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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