Meet Davido’s Personal Bodyguard of Many Years & The Truth About Their Recent Ugly Incident!

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Few days ago many of you must have come across the news about the ugly incident involving Davido and his trademark personal bodyguard and road manager.

It was alleged that the singer had gifted the bodyguard some dirty slap, which has been refuted by both camps.

Well, the bodyguard in question is Segun Ogunjobi, otherwise known as Segxy DMW, and his relationship with Davido his boss is far more than just the other working for the other. Yes, for those who know the the DMW crew well enough can actually attest to that.

He has been the singer’s personal bodyguard for many years, and you will hardly see Davido anywhere without sighting Segxy DMW around.

Those Who have had personal encounter with the bodyguard do not have smiling faces while their tales. That tells you how the bodyguard treasures his boss, and you know that Davido is one person who don’t fail in reciprocating such gestures.

Why am I on this? It’s because of the sort of stories I have been reading since the occurrence of the alleged slapping incident. Even Segxy himself has come out to personally debunk the story, yet those who are hell bent on creating crisis in their camp have refused to rest. They have become more catholic than the Pope as usual.

In his usual words while taking instructions from Davido, “all instructions well noted boss”. That’s the level of love, relationship and understanding between him and his boss.

Catch up more of their photos below…



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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