Mark Zuckerberg Celebrates Dad on His 70th Birthday + Some Vital Information About The Family.

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Few days ago, it was the birthday of the senior Zuckerberg and his billionaire son ensured it was a lovely and memorable day for his lovely father.

The young billionaire who has never hide his love and admiration for his parents posted via his personal Facebook page, wishing his dad more long life and beautiful years ahead.

“Happy 70th birthday dad. Grateful to be able to celebrate with you and the whole family. Here’s to many more,” his simple birthday post for his dad, Edward Zuckerberg reads.

ABOUT EDWARD ZUCKERBERG: The father of the Facebook founder is by profession a practicing Dentist for decades. Edward and his wife, Karen have been happily married for about 45 years now.

Edward has three other children along with Mark Zuckerberg (born in 1984), and they are Randi Zuckerberg born in 1982, being their first daughter and child as well, and she’s followed by Mark born in 1984. The other two include Donna born in 1985 and Arielle born in 1987.

Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg has always praised and appreciated his parents for the roles they played in his life and career, including in his early journey into his career as Tech guru/genius, which eventually gave birth to some of the most popular and valuable social media platforms in the world today; Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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