“No, He Left Me”- She Laments As Her Boyfriend Sent Her His Wedding Card With Another Woman

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Nigerian has visibly left the heart of his now ex girlfriend totally broken as he briefs her about his next line of action.

In a WhatsApp chat shared online by the said girl whose name is not ascertained at the moment, she revealed a chat she was having her boyfriend who went ahead to share his wedding card with her.

While they were dating, he was secretly perfecting his marriage plans with another woman. In the said chat, she was scolding him for not taking her calls nor replying her messages. While responding, he apologized and went ahead to share his wedding card with another woman.

“There’s something I need to tell you, and I’m sorry I’m breaking it to you this way. I’m sorry for wasting your time just didn’t know how to break up properly with you,” the man in question writes her while he sent her his wedding card with another woman.

“Ok…I wish you all the best,” she replied. And went on to caption the post, “no, he left me”.

Meanwhile, the story has stirred reactions from people, with many people sympathizing with the young girl, knowing how heartbroken she must be over that.

On the other hand, this has continued to be a recurring issues in our society, and you will see both men and women being dumped for no justifiable reasons after all the time they must have wasted with the wrong person.

The truth is that, at the beginning of every relationship, you are fully aware of what you want out of that relationship. Why not just be open to your partner about what you are up to in that relationship. If it’s just fun, let him or her know, and if the person decides to go on, then whatever be the outcome tomorrow won’t shock them.

It is sheer wickedness to waste your partner’s time for these years or whatever duration, when inside your heart you are aware that you are not going to end up with him or her. Yet you kept giving them all the false hope in the world, isn’t that the height of wickedness?



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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