Siblings Set To Marry Each Other, Sets Up GoFundMe To Finance Their Wedding, Others.

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We live in a time were too many strange things keep popping up from different parts of the world. Sadly, we have actually fought hard to erase some of these strange and ungodly acts, while we have resigned our fate to God in some other situations.

This brings us to the story at hand, involving two siblings identified as Julia and Mark. The duo have stirred up serious conversation and controversies following their decision to marry each other against all odds.

They are so determined to spend the rest of their lives together, hence why they have taken further steps to cement their love interest.

“We are siblings who have found deep, genuine love for each other. We know this might be unconventional and challenging for some to understand, but our love is pure and strong. We’ve decided to take a courageous step to get married and share our lives together openly and honestly,” their statement on GoFundMe reads.

They have set up a GoFundMe account, aimed at raising about ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to fund their wedding, legal hurdles and embark on an awareness campaign, to educate people on why people should be allowed to fall in love with whoever they wish to.

“We are launching this GoFundMe campaign to help cover the costs associated with our wedding and to raise awareness about the acceptance of all forms of love.

Our journey hasn’t been easy; we’ve faced societal judgment and legal hurdles, but we believe that love is love, and everyone deserves to be with the person they truly love,” part of their statement on GoFundMe platform reads.


Many people have continued to ask about their parents, the village they came from and other family members of theirs, to know what they are doing about this which they consider “abomination”.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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