How The Tallest Man in Uganda Was Abandoned To Poverty After Generating Huge Revenue For The Country.

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This is Mr. Shipa, who’s reportedly the tallest man in Uganda, a country located in East Africa.

According to New Times Media Africa, Mr. Shipa is said to have been generating a lot of revenue for the country’s government. This is as a result of influx of tourists from different parts of the world, who visits the country just to visit him and equally take pictures with him.

Sadly, the man is said to be living in abject poverty, as he is abandoned by the government who has been generating a lot of money from tourists visiting the country for the sake of the man. Even, his house as already seen in this article is merely an eyesore, as it is not befitting of a man of his status.

According to a post by the New Times Media Africa, “here is the tallest man in Uganda by name Mr. Shipä, he is a source of tourism in Uganda as his heights attracts tourists to come and take picture with him”.

The post further added, “this is the results you get in your country when there’s peace and freedom of movement, tourists will even come to your area just to see your toilets and that’s generating of money for your country.

Since the story broke out on the internet, a lot of people have continued to react angrily, emphasing the living condition of the man in question.


“This isn’t fair to him..He deserves better and special treatment,” @ New Times Media Africa.

“That’s good attraction and income for the country but the building is not worth him why can’t the government construct the house for him,” C-ptoek Robert.

“The country is generating income through him but look where he is living?” @ Cathebewrk Mkandawire.

“The country loves him in that state so as to continue generating more income for the country,” @ Kabaka Straight Point.

“This is Africa. The greed is everywhere. Na who do us this thing?” Dave Nation.

“He’s such a resource why keep him in such a depleted state of life?” Ediau Kasanga David.

“At least I want to hear the tourists are giving him some money and Punani…simple as Dat. Photos alone won’t change his life,” Evance Charles Jr.

“Is this house for him? Because he is taller than the house,or there’s lack of long tree where he is?” Rehema Symon.

“They are using him! Why can’t they fixed his house?” Nokukhanya Khanyo Msweli.

“And those in authority are benefiting from him. This is a true reflection of how corrupt and self- centered some leaders are.
They’re children’s pocket money is much more than the money needed to build a proper house for that man. That’s a disgrace to the nation,” Anoint Leo Mthethwa.

Well, if it’s true that the country has been generating revenue from tourists visiting the country just for his sake, then it is important that the government of the country take good care of the man, including his family if any yet. African leaders should stop this habit of always interested in exploiting the people, especially the poor.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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