How Husband Found Out His Wife Was A Man Just 12 Days After Their Wedding (Photos)

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The world has never been without one strange happening at one point or the other, and we have got really another strange incident, one of the most rarest of such ever.

This follows the story of an Indonesian couple who recently had their wedding ceremony, but things have drastically taken a new twist following a recent discovery in the marriage.

The groom has discovered that he actually married his fellow man, just twelve days after their wedding. The man identified as AK who is same age 26 with his new wife identified as Adinda Kanza, had met on social media platform, precisely on Instagram some time in 2023, and went on to date for about a year via social media.

Though they had met physically for a couple of times, during which his wife, Adinda, would wear a traditional Muslim hijabs which will cover his entire face. And AK would understand with the situation on the ground that it was actually a sign for her religious devotion as an Islam.

Unknown to him that his said bride was actually concealing his true identity. They eventually agreed to get married, and it was successful, and that was on April 12, 2024.

Meanwhile, she had previously told him that she had no family members alive, which was why the wedding and all other marriage rites were performed in the groom’s place, according to South China Morning Post.

But AK began to suspect a foul play when his new wife, as she kept avoiding having any intimate moments with him. Either claiming to be seeing her menstrual flow or that she isn’t feeling well. While the drama continued, AK decided to trace her origin, and was shocked to find out that his wife’s parents and other family members were all alive.

It was during this period that Adinda’s parents revealed to him that the person he married is actually a man, identified originally as ESH, but ventured into cross dressing some time in 2020. The parents were equally shocked to find out about their marriage, as they never knew Adinda had any relationship let alone being married.

His look, size, shape and voice made it impossible to suspect he wasn’t actually a woman in the first place. And looking at their wedding photos, it was difficult to detect any thing that points to the fact that Adinda wasn’t a woman.

According to the local media reports, ESH (Adinda) revealed that he married AK with the intention of stealing his family assets. He’s now been arrested by the local police, and faces fraud charges which could see him spend up to fours years in jail.

Well, the police said they are continuing with more investigation on the matter.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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